Monday, October 1

Of Paulyn and Sally

An Angel from Paulyn ( 20 years ago)
I always keep most of the presents I received from different occasions such as birthdays, New Years, special days, or just being handed something because I was missed. I keep them because they are reminders of my previous encounters with special people and friends. 

A Bear from Sally ( 24 years ago)
Last July, I met two of my former colleagues from a Chinese school where I humbly started as a teacher. Our meetings were filled with laughter and funny anecdotes coupled with some sad news of death and loss. The highlight though was recognizing the fact that we all learned from our experiences and that we had grown  to be better persons compared from years ago. 

(This short entry is dedicated to two of my best buddies. God bless my friends!)


  1. we learned indeed from our experiences!

    buti k p may ngbibigay ng regalo ako wala tlga ...

  2. Are u serious? Siya, anong gusto mo for Christmas from here. Kung kaya ng budget why not? O mamasyal ka nal ang dito at treat kita ng dinnersssss, daming s yan.

  3. I used to do the same before. Years later, I threw them all away. "Moving-on" reasons.

  4. I used to keep all gifts but I just don't have much space. I just keep the ones I treasured most.

  5. Great you are ateacher pala. I admire teachers. I was raised by one :-) contimue to become an inspiration to others :-)
