Saturday, September 10

A Reminder

It's been awhile and I am not even on a hiatus mode, I am just extremely busy. The school year started and what a start: the class composition, the teaching loads, the additional meetings and travelling, and some other personal issues. To sum up my feelings: I am exhausted, everyday.

It has been four weeks and I had heard many good remarks from new and old parents of my students. I was extremely happy when I received one last week saying they are lucky to have me as their son's teacher (knowing the history of the child's previous schooling). After majority of the parent teacher meetings were finished, the remarks become consolation to my weary body and soul.

I happened to clean up the cupboard and came upon a card given to my former principal some years ago (I was given a photo copy). After reading it, it reminded me of my goal as a teacher and moreso of the person that I am. Allow me to share it:

Dear RM,

Welcome back! I trust that your trip to the US was fruitful- as hectic as it must have been. I am sure you have many stories to share and much good news concerning the school!

I wanted to let you know how very pleased we have been with our first summer at RMA. Teacher Jonathan is truly a gem - I am so thrilled he will be returning. I am sure I speak for the other moms in my desire to have him as our 3 day teacher...but I know that you will make the best decision knowing our needs and desires. Whatever your final decision, I think you should know what a marvelous teacher we think he is. Jonathan is creative, musical, challenging and works with a wonderful combination of tenderness and order. His systematic approach allows the children to learn in a comforting and predictable environment. Indeed, you have good teachers RM!

I am so looking forward to our involvement in your school. I hope to be a support and encouragement to you.

God bless, A.B.

So now that I am looking for ways to liven up my spirits, the card came in handy as a reminder of how I should be everyday. It is a needed inspiration, a reminder of why I chose to be a teacher.