Monday, April 1


I received the news early Monday morning, the 25th of March. For the first time in a long while, I turned on my mobile phone at school since I asked a friend to call me about the air conditioning repairs to be done at my house in the afternoon. Knowing nothing about an incoming bad news, it was a shock when I heard from my youngest brother of my mom's demise. I bursted in tears.

I was brought home by the owner's driver and bought myself a ticket to go back home. That afternoon, I felt restless and wanted to do a lot of things but I had no energy to move. I received text messages from some few friends consoling me. I even received a call from a close friend from Australia but no tears came. I was holding everything in me.

The following day, I arrived the Philippines at 7 in the evening and went to the memorial chapel right after leaving the airport. There was an on going mass at that time. I found a seat and when family members were called to bless my mom with holy water I went, stood for awhile, and I was overwhelmed with grief, with tears running uncontrollably. It was my first glimpse of my mom since the day she said goodbye to me.

Jon, take care of yourself. (then giving away her sadness with tears)

Ma, don't cry when I leave the country. I cannot bear to bring your grief with me. I don't like to see sadness in your eyes. I am just some miles away and will always be back to visit. 

With sadness on our faces, we gave each other a big hug.

For the next few days, I discovered many things about myself. That I allowed myself to be away for so long with only little time to be with her. That I allowed myself to be away because I do not want to be involved in most of our family affairs. That I allowed myself to establish distance amongst my siblings and relatives. I became alone and lonely.

And as a few of my closest friends came to visit, I became even more humbled by being reminded that no one can be in this world alone. The presence of my friends during that particular moment became a shield to combat loneliness. It was a wake up call.

I sent my apologies to my mom through my constant conversations with her during the wake. I know that she understands me for being aloof and cold. I am just hoping that she will forget my shortcomings and treasure my undying love for the only mom I had.

With sincerest apologies, sorry Mama Josie.


  1. Maraming salamat Senyor at aboutambot.

  2. She must have been like an angel and I'm sure she really is in heaven waiting to reunite with you when it's time. Please make sure that when you see her again you have plenty of happy stories to amuse her. That must what she's expecting from you: to be happy. I wish you all happiness and joy and love. :)

    You're ma is so beautiful. I'm sorry I just saw the posts.

  3. Sir Jonathan, nakikiramay din po ako.

    God Bless!

  4. Hi Mana, thank you for the kind words. I always have funny stories and my mom was one great listener with laughter aplenty. Thank you for the compliment as well.

    Thank you Fiel-kun and goodnight.

  5. nakikiramay po ako sir. keep ur faith still and be strong po.

  6. nakakalungkot naman....

    Nakikiramay din ako.... ingat lagi ^^ keep on praying!

  7. Maraming salamat Lalah and Jon. God bless din sa inyo!

  8. Thanks for the hugs and your actual presence Poi!

  9. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

    Losing a loved one is one of the hardest situations a man can feel but rest in the thought that your mom is called to report back to his loving Father above. I am sure she completely understands you why you need to go and be distant in your family.

    God bless and be strong in this trying time of your life.

  10. Thank you Mr. Jay and yes, she is much happier now in Heaven.

  11. Ngamsirijit Family1 April 2013 at 23:40

    Dear Jonathan

    This is Prim’s family. We are very very saddened to learn about your mother has passed away.
    I hope that you will have strength during this difficult time.

    Although I did not know you mother that well, but I truly believe that she must be a good mother, which it is same as you as a good teacher.

    Please pass my deepest sympathies on to your family and May her soul rest in peace.

    Very sincerely,
    Prim’s family

  12. You may not find any time or luxury to check e-mails at this time... but I just wanted to let you know that we are really sorry for your lost. Sang Ho and I lost our fathers quite long ago and we understand a little.

    Oh Teacher Jonathan, I cannot stop crying here at the office thinking how you'd felt on the way to say bye to your mother. Though I don't know her, I am sure she's in somewhere peaceful and good now. It's where a mother who raised a son like you deserves to be, I would dare to say. Please accept our deepest condolence and please take care of yourself.

    Sorry that we can not be there with you but our love and hearts are with you.

    Praying for your mother and you,

    Anna, Sang Ho and Ji Min

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Chloe did share the information with me before I had a chance to read the email, so I know it was communicated with the students on some level today.

    Please send our deepest condolences to Teacher Jonathan and his family. And please let us know if there is something we can do for him as a class/school community.

    Craig and Sara Reid

  14. So very sad. Please let us know if there's anything parents can do ... donations for a flower arrangement or condolence basket? Maybe the kids can make cards? I also will wait to tell Eli until we know how much information will be shared with the children. I realize some parents may not be ready to have such a serious talk with little ones.

    Please send our heartfelt condolences to Teacher Jonathan during this difficult time.

    Monique & Eric Langer

  15. Richter Family1 April 2013 at 23:46

    My wife Apple and I are greatly saddened to learn of the passing of Teacher Jonathan's mother. If you have a chance to speak to him, please send him our most sincere condolences.

    Thanks and kind regards


    sent thru the school's e-mail

  16. Phitsuthikul Family1 April 2013 at 23:47

    We are very sorry to hear this, and hope he will pass this difficult time soon.
    Please let us know if there is something we could do to help, and please send him our most sincere condolences to him and his family


    sent thru school's mail

  17. Phitsuthikul Family1 April 2013 at 23:47

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Dear Jonathan,

    My deepest condolences for the loss of your mother. Think that I am sure she will be in heaven looking down to you and all your great job and dedication. Travel safe and let me know if there is anything I could help.


    sent thru sms

  19. Esquivel Family1 April 2013 at 23:56

    Oh teacher Jonathan. So sorry to hear the sad news. Please receive our condolences and please if we can help you with something count with us. Teacher Jonathan the kids and I love you so much. Hopefully receive our love to help in something your sadness and pain. Big hug and please take care!! So sorry really from the deep of our heart.


    sent thru sms

  20. DeVries' Family1 April 2013 at 23:57

    I love you Jonathan and my prayers are with you and with your mama. God bless her soul. If there is anything I can do here please it is just one message. Ingat my brother.


  21. Clemente family1 April 2013 at 23:59

    Hooo teacher Jonathan, I'm really really sorry. All our you and your family. Be strong!!! Something u need please don't hesitate. Take your time. Our heart is with u.


    sent thru sms

  22. Agopian family2 April 2013 at 00:01

    Dear Teacher Jonathan,

    I heard about your mom. I am sorry and I wanted to offer my condolences. God bless her soul and gives you patience to pass through this very difficult time.


    sent thru sms

  23. Srinonyang Family2 April 2013 at 00:05

    I am deeply sorry to hear about your loss. I have no idea what you must be going through in losing what I think is the most important part of my life. I know your mom was that to you, too.

    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for your loss.


  24. Sir Jon condolence... Be strong

  25. condolence po sir, hays i know there's no such word could be enough to comfort you through this,
    just keep praying that's all i can advice for now

  26. Thank you Archieviner and MEcoy, your presence in this blog means a lot.

  27. I have nothing to say to you because the grief is so great. It is a big loss for you and your family.

    Rest assured that I will pray for her.

  28. Hi Ishmael,
    Thanks for the words of sympathy and prayers!

  29. my condolences po sir jonathan ;-(

  30. Budsaratragoon Family21 April 2013 at 07:44

    May you find comfort in kowing many others care. With sincere sympathy.

    Budsaratragoon Family

  31. We were so sorry to hear that your mother died.
    We are holding you and your family in our prayers.

    Love, Caryn and the Macky Family
