Monday, March 25

In Memory of My Mom ( March 25, 2013 )

When I was young, not-so-great moments recalled:

- when I have no money for tuition
- when I was not allowed to go for a summer break
- when I was hurt by a flying fork
- when I was tired from a long walk after a quake

When I was older, great moments remembered:

- when you approved of my leaning towards drama
- when you commented nothing on my being a teacher
- when you attended my graduation
- when you always ask about my whereabouts

When I was gone and visiting, great moments treasured:

- though weary, you waited for my arrival along the staircase
- though sick, you cared for what we were to eat
- though weak, you asked for my presence
- though tired and bed ridden, you laughed at my jokes
- though hard in speech, you made conversations with me on the phone

You, my mom, was always there but I wasn't. I am very sorry!

Thank you so much for everything.

I will miss you. 
I love you a lot. 
You will be remembered forever.

...and tears drowned my sight while typing this entry.


  1. omay! youre such a sweet son, jonathan. let's pray for your mom

  2. Thank you Phioxee, it was difficult when we were sending her off yesterday morning but happy that she will be with our Lord.

  3. Such a beautiful picture of your mom
