Thursday, August 4

My Summer Visit

I left worried and in distress as to what I will see and hear. The stories were in different details, told by different people and interpreted in many different ways. To make things clear, I have to hear them straight from the people involved and I did. I became a master weaver as I put the minute details one by one as to create a big picture of what is happening and where we are going. There is a pressing problem.

With all the stress, I was invited by relatives and friends in many places, posh to be exact. I walked the grounds of McKinley Hills and Eastwalk for lunch, Serendra for merienda, Ayala Triangle and Baywalk for dinner, World Resort for window shopping and Bonifacio High Street for some toys. I attended a small gathering among friends in a Shanghai themed restaurant, a birthday celebration at Kimpura in Greenbelt, a church service at the Chapel of St. Pio, some Starbucks' visits and local eateries to mention a few. I am grateful for the invites and the treats and I appreciate all the generosity of my friends and relatives.

With all the stress, I see my brothers and sister work out as one. We may have our differences but we are doing what closest kins should do, cooperate. I see and appreciate the help extended by my sisters in law plus the warm suggestions of one of our trusted helpers. I am silent to their growing animosity towards my father but hoping that all will be well in the end. The tension is mounting through time but alas, our common goal will be met, and that is, to get out of this rubble.

I was on the plane yesterday and for the first time in my life, I cried and cried on board. I remembered my mom whom I gave a tight embrace the night before. She was sobbing profusely saying, "Do not abandon me, do not abandon me." It was also the first time we gave our farewells with such emotions that I am crying while writing this entry.

You never read this mom but with all sincerity, I am not abandoning anyone, I am making a life to be with all of you again in the future. You are my family, including my closest friends, and that I will go back home saying, "I am here to stay."

(Special thanks to the following people: my SSHS friends, the Ku family, the Co family, the Gonzales couple, Mel, and my CCP friends)


  1. anyway... new site.

    (& aint sure if my 1st comment went through)


  2. I did and I have seen so many interesting and beautiful places as well.
