Wednesday, February 29

Touring a Magnificent Lake

A worthwhile place to visit in Siem Reap is Cambodia's great lake, Tonle Sap. Here is a school built as I start on my fascinating but hot, journey towards the inside of this fishing village.
I hired a boat to take me inside and I explored the lake to see houses on stilts, giving me lots of opportunities for photo shoots. 

The water wasn't deep but it was rich in silt and sediment, chocolate like as we stirred from one area to the next. It was the dry season and I was told that visiting the area during the wet season is another story.

From a big boat to an unusually scarier small boat, I ventured into the mangrove and marvelled at the extent of the trees submerged in water. The boat lady was experienced enough as she manuevered the boat to some fairly wide passages.

After the short trip to the mangrove, I transferred back to my bigger boat and we went out to see the open lake filled with fishing boats and an immensely vast body of water. The sun was reflected by the waters of TonLe Sap and the photos spoke of its magnificence.

I returned and took photos of the other side while telling myself that such an experience won't happen again so I had to sink everything in. The lake itself gave me an opportunity to gasp and admire the beauty of God's creations. 

Friday, February 24

My Best Trip

One of the things on my wish list this year is to start travelling again in different places and as part of my birthday wish, I went to Siem Reap as a treat to myself.

The travel time was outstandingly surprising since it only took me forty minutes from Thailand to Cambodia. I was still writing on the arrival sheet when the pilot announced that the plane is ready for landing. 

There were confusions on my part and the people around me as the English language was not as understandable from a native point of view. It was quite a struggle to queue along the visa section, to find the hotel's pick-up car and to speak to the hotel's staff. I was quite happy that I landed safely and that I will be in the company of my two very good friends.

I met my girl friend first where she travelled from her hometown to the city proper of Manila by plane, then to Kuala Lumpur before settling in Siem Reap. The travelling hours were ridiculous, as with the changing of planes, but as she said, "It was all worth it!" My boy friend came later in the evening after a gruelling flight from Chicago, Manila, Singapore before reaching Siem Reap. Of the three, he sure was the most tired.

I'll spare the details of our trip but the exhilaration of meeting two great people was the highlight of my trip. We had been friends years ago and it was our first travel adventure together out of our comfort zones. 
The stories and the laughter shared along were simply priceless. It was one great experience. 

Tuesday, February 14

A Different Perspective

When I moved into this classroom where I am right now, I immediately noticed a blotch of paint on the side of the cubby holes for children. I looked at it and saw a face of a woman, a Native American woman for that matter.

I summoned my assistant to basked in my new discovery and she saw something else. She saw the black face of a demon lurking on the wall of this fixture. A different perspective on her part.

Later I asked another assistant to look at the picture and she came with no answer as she cannot see anything from this magnificent accident of art. I showed her the image but all she can say was ,"I don't see anything."

Life is how you see things. When times are tough, some would crumble and fall while some will rise and shine. When money is lacking, some will resort to evil ways while some will try to live simply. When we fail in love, some will see it as an experience learned while others will forever hate to accept love again.

Today is Valentine's Day but I see it not only as a special day for couples to celebrate their times together or their new found relationships. I also see this day as an opportune to show more of our caring nature to others and to tell the people we are close to, that we care and love them in return.

Though I failed plenty of times in matters of love, I simply refuse to stop from loving people around me. A Happy Valentine's Day to everyone and may the spirit of loving be with us always, in work and in our personal endeavours.