Sunday, October 5

Surprise! (October 5, 2008)

I wrote in a previous entry about absence. I talked about my garden.

A family recently visited me and they walked around the garden that night. "I feel like I am walking in a forest.", one of them commented. The youngest in the group told me that she like my place and that the garden is a wonderful place to discover things. Now that I have a forest, the animals will start to come. I had been observing life through the numerous visitors I have such as butterflies, dragonflies, snails, wasps, bees, lizards, toads, frogs, ladybugs, praying mantises and moths. Now, I am encountering a new addition to my garden, a snake.

Today, I had the opportunity to walk around the garden. I noticed a colourful specimen wrapped around a bark in one of the trunks of my green palms. I though it was a caterpillar and I was so excited to see it close so I can bring it to school for show and tell. Once I poked my face near the trunk, I was shocked to find out that it was actually a snake. I was stunned as I have no affinity to reptiles so much so for snakes. I retreated and became prantic. I was telling myself over and over the whole day today that, "I have a snake in my garden! I have a snake in my garden!"

I have no idea what to come next. But I know that I will be more observant and respectful of the world around me.

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