Tuesday, January 5

The Road to Take

Life uncertainties are lurking wherever you are. Each decisions we make have no valid proof that they will work out well. Each endeavours can be marred by defeats. Each actions can be halted by doubts and disappointments.

Yet with all the downsides of life, there will always be a road to take. Some roads are easily travelled but some are rough and confusing. We seem to ride through life's journey partaking within ourselves the wisdom it entails. We always know the journey as something we take, to bring us somewhere and to deliver us to our destination. The question is where the destination is.

Knowing the journey but not the destination becomes a story of sort of our own adventures in life. Venturing through the unknown, the mystical, the magical, the dangerous, the exciting path declares our love for such expedition. Though the uncertainties exist, we subsist.

I am always on a voyage as I find a better way to teach my students, as I face the realities of sadness and happiness, as I make connection with my family, as I grow professionally and physically, and as I find the road to take to become closer to God and to become a better person. So that when I finally find my destination, all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever road you choose to travel, I hope it's for the best. Happy New Yr Mr AThan!
