Saturday, November 20


I was once told by an acquaintance that I will not be happy if I do not know what I really want and what I am to search for. Until now, those words had been true as I do not know where I am heading. Many had come and left and had built lives of their own. Knowing them, I was not far behind and I was even one or more notches better. But to compare their lives and mine, they had gone several notches while I still live in oblivion.

I had fallen in love many times but I wasn't lucky enough to be granted reciprocity. It was indeed sad throughout but I had learned to accept what was for me and what were not. Yet in the long span of circumstances that goes round and round, I still have to learn from those lessons.

Last holidays, I finally met the face behind the words that I had been admiring for a year now. It was a great meet yet it was the most awkward situation I had ever been into. I couldn't retreat to silence so as to admire the beauty in front of me as I was being questioned constantly. The meeting was short but the longing still mingles around my soul.

God knows how much drama I put myself for this meet, preparing for a long haul, and flagellating myself because this is all wrong.
It was wrong so I opted for the memories of that short meet- the voice, the smiles, and the polite expressions. A present was given to me to remember our friendship and I will treasure that forever.

I haven't learned any lessons of the heart and all I do is to collect memories. Though now it is sinking in that I am just craving for attention and it was granted, I succumb to something difficult. I do not seek for an exchange of affection but I just wanted to write the moment as a reference. It is indeed a long winding road but I will find the end.

Since I wrote this almost a year ago, I finally found the answer. There are some things not meant to be. They come to our lives to enrich it. They come to our lives like a stone thrown in the water. In stillness, then ripples, then calmness unperturbed. And suddenly gone.


  1. I'm not an expert in the search and the find of what one wants. I couldn't even claim to have found it myself.

    What my puny brain knows is this, you find happiness in the most minute things. It's not so a decision, it's more of a conviction. And though you can never be contented, at least you could be satisfied.

    I wishyou all the best my Phi Jon. you going home for Christmas right? see you!

  2. Hey Sir! Hows yah?

    Was it a blind date? I remember talking to my crush when I was in highschool and I always said the stupidiest things coz I was shaking (or was having a seizure, i dont know) lol!

  3. Hi Jeff,

    But the happiness I look for cannot be found in minute things. I am contented with what I have but asking for some new things in life is not bad, it's just I can't have it, it's taken.

    Like what I said, the ripples had settled and all is well again unless someone throws a rock again in my presence.

  4. Hi Kris,

    It wasn't a blind date but it was a first meet. Good thing that I have the presence of mind when I was being asked multitude of questions. Meeting the person had given me something to cherish though and it is better to have had the opportunity to meet. A great experience indeed!

    So when the time I get to meet you in person, I will gain another perspective in life, that of hope and strength, living up to what you blog, funny yet honest and very you.

  5. true, some things are not meant to be :( hey, just followed you and your awesome blog :)

  6. Hello! :D Passing by your blog. I hope we can be good friends. Can we follow each others blogs?? (><♥♥♥)

  7. Thank you :) Mind if we follow each others blogs?? Hihi :D
    Btw, I love the new layout :D

  8. hey,, you are not updating your blog! hahah whats new??

  9. I hate clinging on into memories. I have loved but I was never sure if I was loved in return. But I always believe there is always someone for me. A wise woman once told me that there are sometimes that even if we deserve the love that we want.,we should also tr to think that maybe someone is more deserving than us.

    love lots,
