Monday, June 20

Growing Moss

Time is our friend or enemy, depends on how you see life. When we were young, we always asked ourselves when will we be older so we could drive a car, party day and night, or have sleepovers with our friends. But as we grow older, we wish we have been younger so we could do what we failed to accomplish, and sometimes, regrets are formed.

But no matter what we do in life, we should always be mindful of where we stand and where we go. When I was young, I cannot understand why I was always asked to do housework when I was busy doing my homework in sets of three different languages. I didn't have any time to play. When I was older, I was given a responsibility to manage a shop alongside my sister and we were busy buddies. I had to be home on time, given no chance to wander around town, so I could help in our business. The business didn't thrive in terms of profit but I learned a great deal.

My dad took his time to instill in me the value of work and the value of time. Work is not just physical labour, but work is something that will make me a better person. The work I did before became cornerstones of my growth as a person: being responsible, industrious and resourceful. The time I spent manning the business were well-spent time as I learned to be busy in a good way. The time I gave to honour my job became the foundation of how I value what was given to me; being punctual and giving importance to the now, the present.

Right now, the moss gathered from my formative years had been with me as I am conscientious of what I do. I am proud of what I earned in terms of knowledge. I am humbled by the experience of learning the trade early and applying them in later years. I am wary of the importance of seconds and minutes in an hour. I am made to go forward rather than retreat and be lazy.

So when I reminisce old days, I should not be pointing fingers to my dad for being selfish and taking away my childhood. I should be thankful, if not with all those hardships, I won't be strong enough to face my life on my own. I learned early and by doing so, I reaped my labour as well.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. belated happy father's day!

    as such that you've spent so much in "learning" and all those personal development activities, it's now time to partteeeeey! haha.

    kidding. happy father's day!

  2. yah, will partteeeey this July and of course your treat!

  3. An enlightened person see things on the brighter side, the odds he went through. He gives the other cheek, when hurt and throws back goodness inspite of the pains inflicted on him. This is what one can be when the Lord's lamp shines in one's path.
