Friday, November 23

To Catch Such Beauty

I am rather down after learning of my good friend's death, many changes in school, and the ongoing battle with finances and family affairs. Last week, I came home at four in the afternoon and I was in a hurry as I have another class to attend. Upon entering my yard, a number of butterflies came fluttering left and right. I thought there was just one but I was mistaken. There were a handful of them all of the same colour and pattern except for one majestic one.

I noticed that the smaller ones were following the black patterned butterfly where it goes. As they settle down on different leaves, I got some shots of them and they were extremely wonderful to see. It was like a sign that after all the hard work and troubled dealings, there will be new and beautiful things to happen.

Superstitious I am not, but I wanted to believe in something magical after this storm. I wanted to be happy,not for some fleeting seconds but for a longer time. Though butterflies live for a very short period, their presence at that specific moment gave me something to hope for, a realization that not all things that come are ugly. They will be beautiful the next.

Wednesday, November 21

In Memoriam

Dearest Joan,

I am still in shock when I received the news of your sudden demise. You left the country to care for your sick sister knowing that you were leaving with a heavy heart. We cannot do anything but abide by your decision as we exchange farewells.

Upon hearing the news, I was immediately stricken with grief and anger. A part of me died when you passed away knowing that all the things we dreamed of will never materialize.

We worked in the same school and from then on, we crossed paths every now and then since the community was just small. You left the school and the old house you'd rented and I left the school and rented the same house. You told me you'll write a book about me as you were fascinated by my name and persona. You always remembered my birthdays and I will always get birthday cards from you and our former students and colleagues in school. You were my bowling partner, my Hard Rock Cafe buddy, and dancing partner through and through. We were like one happy family- Carol, you and me. It was always time well spent with best buddies.

I will forever remember you and your camaraderie. My present house is filled with paintings you got from your Bali teacher, a sculpted pot you made with your students of which I embellished with glitters, and tons of teaching resources I had been using for a long time now. I still have the plants from your former house and they are big and healthy. I have the cards from you and some photographs of our happy days both in school and outside. 

Wherever you are, may you find serenity with the Lord. You are the best and you will be dearly missed. I salute you my friend, it was an honour being part of your life. 

Sunday, November 18

To Fly Back Home

Christmas is almost here and majority of my students and my colleagues in school had made plans for the winter break. While most will be going back to their home countries, some opted to visit other places for leisure.

I was wishy washy whether to go back home or not. Scouting for airline promotions and cheap tickets, I ended having no flights booked because I just can't make my mind. I was hoping to save a few hundreds or a thousand, comparing the present ticket prices to previously purchased ones and that was not a good idea.

Anyways, a friend came to the rescue, more of a prodding, and volunteered to watch promos with an eagle eye, emailing me the latest amongst the many airlines that flies back home. Though all flights were fully booked, I got one and paid a larger sum than  what was offered last month. My bad!

What made me changed my mind? The spirit of Christmas, my family, my friends, my longing to be with people I care and love most. I should always put in mind that money can never replace all the above mentioned entities. So even with very little money, I will fly back home and maybe carry back smiles and happy memories for the coming year.

Wednesday, November 7

Getting To Know You

Student A: I had a bad dream. I was walking and then I fell into the ocean. A shark ate me up!
Teacher: What do you think your dream means?

Student: T. Jonathan, my toe is hurting!
Me: Why? What happened?
Student: You stepped on it!
Me: Ow, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. (turning red)

Teacher: If I have two feet and my mom stood besides me. How many feet do I have?
Student: FOUR!
Student: Cannot, he's not a dog!