Friday, November 23

To Catch Such Beauty

I am rather down after learning of my good friend's death, many changes in school, and the ongoing battle with finances and family affairs. Last week, I came home at four in the afternoon and I was in a hurry as I have another class to attend. Upon entering my yard, a number of butterflies came fluttering left and right. I thought there was just one but I was mistaken. There were a handful of them all of the same colour and pattern except for one majestic one.

I noticed that the smaller ones were following the black patterned butterfly where it goes. As they settle down on different leaves, I got some shots of them and they were extremely wonderful to see. It was like a sign that after all the hard work and troubled dealings, there will be new and beautiful things to happen.

Superstitious I am not, but I wanted to believe in something magical after this storm. I wanted to be happy,not for some fleeting seconds but for a longer time. Though butterflies live for a very short period, their presence at that specific moment gave me something to hope for, a realization that not all things that come are ugly. They will be beautiful the next.


  1. When He closes a door, He always opens a window.

  2. Thanks Olivr. Been down and out so trying to write the moments.
