Wednesday, July 7

The Flower

The Flower is currently my fave book since I acquired a copy last winter break. It tells the story of Brigg, who works in a library, accidentally finding a book about flowers. It is a non-existent thing for him and for the rest of the people in the city. He is so fascinated with the book that for some twist of faith, found some seeds and planted them. Thus the start of a new, bright place to live.

The story is written to remind us as to what could happen in the future. As one of my students commented, "It's a very sad story.". Yes, and indeed true. The illustrations by Lisa Evans are dramatic and very appealing. She is a talented artist and each page evokes the emotions and feelings most likely wanted by the author John Light to express.

I have heard about a safe shelter built for flower seeds and things from nature. The world is getting ready for some changes. It is saddening to know that most will be lost and even with our tremendous work of future preservation and conservation, the change is inevitable.

The beauty of yesteryears could be maintained if we do our contribution. It need not be big, for little deeds put together is a heap.

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