Sunday, August 22


The battering wind and the pouring rain unleashed since two in the morning. By six in the morning, the streets were flooded and the water was knee deep. I opted to walk the long way to reach my work place as it was impossible for a car or a motorbike to pick me up. As I thread the waters of rubbish and dirt, some of the floating matters embraced my legs and I shook them off. The walk was tiring yet the rain that soaked my being refreshed and gave me no opportunity to complain.

I reached the school wet and dirty yet the feeling was different. The short morning challenge was fruitful in terms of battling the odds, in facing the battles of life, in creating a positive mental attitude and in not losing hope.

Some have financial problems while others suffer from physical deficiencies. Each individual faces something which at the start seems inescapable yet with determination and faith, holds the sense of freedom from bonds.

It is very easy to say that a positive mental attitude is all what we need. However, not everyone is blessed to think the same way. The roads taken by some had been oblivious to fear and rejection. For some, they see no light for there’s no one to listen or speak to. So here comes faith, believing that we will go through those odds. Here comes hope, the prospect of seeing a tomorrow. Here comes friendship, the need to be with someone, just ask and be humble.

The flood gave me time to reflect as I wade through the debris and rushing water yet it was insignificant. The lessons learned throughout the experience is, that whatever happens, it is in our power that we survive and that we go on living.


  1. I hope you didnt get any virus from the flood.

    Not everyone has a positive attitude in life... Well, we cant blame them. Perhaps their experiences moulded them to be like that

  2. I have a friend who is filled with negative vibes that he had been suffering from many illness. How I wish that we could all just be simply happy.
