Saturday, August 14

There's Always a First

I bought this water plant for many years now. Placed prominently in the middle of my small pond, this Lotus had been producing leaves constantly without giving any flowers for me to appreciate. From the onset of summer and the drying of the pond; it was actually neglected for the most part. The rain had been pouring since last month and out of the blue, I spotted a bulb coming out and then one of the most beautiful creations in the garden emerged, a Lotus flower in the midst of green leaves and murky water. This is a first.

My health is not doing well as I am suffering from a stomach problem. With the inspiring stories told to me by my assistant, I was prompted to see and later joined a local gym. I hired a trainer and had been adamant to attend in the beginning but I am now enjoying the experience. This is a first.

For a year now, I had been trying to ride the motorbike and do find ways to go around the village where I live. I use the bike to do errands such as paying bills, buying food or fruits and for picking up the newspaper or some snacks. Never in my life had I ventured out of the village on my bike. However, the petrol in my bike had been used up. Thanks to my driver who couldn’t come anymore to fill it up, I mustered enough courage and headed out of the village to the nearest petrol station and had the motorbike filled. I was nervous but it was exhilarating riding out of the village with all the cars and trucks and motorcycles alike. This is another first.

All these first time experiences happened this week and I am so glad to have come out of my negligence and fear. For the coming months, I will be attempting more firsts, in a more personal way. Wink, wink!


  1. I have just posted my 4th entry for the month of August, The most I have this year.


    Seriously, hav yu watchd "the Bucket List"? It's all about doing things we wished we've done, and to accomplish them before we finally "kick the bucket".

  2. HI again,

    You must be very inspired this August, I wish I could have the same enthusiasm.

    I haven't seen the movie but I know the gist. I sure would like to do what I haven't done yet, but I'll take things one at a time. I might get overwhelmed.

  3. well, good luck in conquering new goals! lol!
