Friday, October 1

Women and MEn

In a female dominated world, my profession as a teacher are always tested whether I will survive the challenges of teaching young children, the demands of parents, or the bulk of work associated with teaching. For many years, I am always struggling to cope, if not to belong, in the company of women.

This October, I decided to write things about the many women I have met throughout my career as an educator. It is just fitting to remember the glory and the contributions that gave me the strength to continue with this vocation.

Jean is probably the person fitted to be showcased as my first entry. She was a classmate of mine when I was in third year high school and then again when I was in second year university level. We were seated together in class as we share the same inital letter, when everyone in class were seated alphabetically. We lost contact when we started taking our majors but got together again when she called me up after graduation.

She told me that there was an opening in a school for an assistant teacher. Since I am not doing anything in the morning I accepted the offer. It was tough since I never thought I will be assisting very young children but that experience showed me that I have what it takes to be patient, loving and sincere.

We worked for a year and she left the school and pursued other things. We lost contact but the opportunity she shared to me to work together and be a teacher became my profession. It was the beginning.

I am thankful and just like the book The Giving Tree she gave me for my birthday years ago, each section of that chopped tree represented my inner self: my growth, my learnings and my destiny.

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