Friday, August 8

Home and Back (August 8, 2008)

I find it very difficult to start anew once I have been in the comfort zone of my home. Connecting with my family is a bonding experience given only a few days to renew and cherish each moments. And as the days grew longer and the time to part becomes shorter, I cannot but feel homesick again.

Now that I am away from home again, I still feel the love and the warmth in my family’s abode. I still remember the many moments of togetherness. But even those moments are being eaten up by loneliness and homesickness. It creeps in like a shadow following me wherever I go.

Life is about choices. I ended up being alone because I am escaping something. I ended up being independent because it was a choice I have to make. I ended up being homesick but the feeling will diminish as days roll by.

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