Monday, August 18

Pointing Fingers (August 18, 2008)

When everyone is busy with the way of world, we find it difficult to admit some things that we have done wrong. We usually end blaming someone or something in return.

I know of one person who worked equally hard in school as a custodian. She is always busy, the most diligent I might say amongst all of us. She does not even leave a speck of dust (literally) and even wipes with a soft cloth each and every leaves of a plant placed in the classroom.

But with her diligence and industriousness, she is often the punching bag of the school staff. She is often looked down and told to be lazy, careless and wasteful. Stories had been told about her which circulate as rumours as the staff are fond of gossiping about her.

Is it jealousy or envy perhaps that drives them crazily wagging their tongues? Comparatively, the rest are inferior to her skills as a helper and as a dedicated staff of our school. She cries often not because she pities herself but because she can't be accepted though some of us in school had been very supportive of her.

It is in pointing our finger to others that we think we save grace and face. But if we truly look at our hand, the rest of the fingers are pointing to ourselves.

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