Tuesday, August 25


I am deeply honoured to have the chance to meet this wonderful boy and be a part of his learning. He is a typical six year old child who likes playing and reading children's books. What makes him spectacular is his fascination with other things which are simply mind boggling.

He studied in our school when he was three years of age and has shown a delightful interest with the lotus flower. His art works would always have the semblance of a lotus, close or open, in its position and floating above water. He would always excite the teachers and his friends with his interests.

At age six when I started giving him special classes for reading and writing, he talks about three major kingdoms of Thailand and thus our writings will center on them accompanied with illustrations. It is mystifying to see him pick a temple and tell me which period in Thai history the temple was built. It is also mind boggling that he illustrates the temple free hand and without an image to copy. I am always dumb founded since I cannot recognize which temple belongs to the Sukhothai period and what makes a certain temple a product of the Ayuthaya period. I have to do my research so that I can cope up and make sure he is writing correctly about those temples.

One day, I came in early and he gave me a tour of his toys. In one corner of the house was a weaving machine, the old wooden weaving thing found in many provinces and houses of weavers. He told me he was weaving cloth to make himself a shirt. Then he showed me what he was building. Scattered on the floor where numerous candles that he stack one by one to build a temple. Then he decorate them with his treasures. What were his treasures? His collection of rocks, both precious and semi-precious ones.

To top all these surprises, he gave me a rundown of his plans for a birthday party. No birthday cakes as they are very sweet. Thai desserts will be stack together to form a birthday cake. There will be no cola but herbal drinks. There will be games such as weaving cloth, Thai dancing and puppet shows. A stage will need to be put up showing the battle between Thailand and Myanmar. They will have to be dressed in authentic clothes and accompanied by Thai musicians using local instruments. A backdrop will showcase the three kingdoms with illustrations of temples. Everybody needs to come in Thai costumes.

I don't teach him anymore but his great thoughts and creative ideas will always be in my mind. He is indeed a wonderful child and will be a great asset to this wonderful world of us.


  1. The two artworks were his and he gave them to me to keep.

  2. woah... he's way too smart for his age. and really creative too. you are blessed you get to witness the wonder this child possesses.

  3. I might be getting his younger brother in two years time and it would be interesting to find how he will be. We all have talents but my student manifested his at a very early age.

  4. wow! talk about some kid with a brain.

    looks like he was the one teaching you at some aspect. hehe.

    hmmmmm... I guess I have to take that birthday party suggestion into consideration. Really creative. :)

  5. I have students who read encyclopedias and discuss things like grown-ups and they are just four years of age. I even happen to know someone who could sing an entire song from Les Miserables complete with actions and she is also four years of age.

    Yes, the birthday party thing is indeed different. I would like to have one as well.

  6. Good reflection indeed! Kids make us kid also. We just let them tell their stories and we pay attention... that's one way how to tame the kid within us, too :)


  7. Thanks for the visit and the comment. Yes, the wisdom and youthfulness the children brings to school makes me a better teacher and a better person.
