Friday, October 16

Termites of Our Lives

Recently I had some termite infestation in my house that I finally resorted to a pest control company's help. I stayed at home watching the pest control people's preparation for the great invasion. The chemicals, the spraying, the digging of holes, and the smell made me a fan of termites seeing how they can wreck havoc in one's home.

During the past weeks, I am assessing the value of my life as a person and as a teacher. I am constantly balancing my values whether they were of greatness or ridicule. My accumulated material things seems to be just something to make me feel secure. I realized that the things that surrounds me should be marked according to their importance rather than their quantity. For I do not need more of what I have and more of what I should not be having. I simply should stop.

One of my children's book under my collection was damaged by the termites. I was dumbfounded and angry but in a way, remembered being wasteful. I have collected books through my many years of teaching but have not found a special place to store them well thus the infestation. The accumulation was a proud moment but the loss of one special book became a shameful action.

As I pray for the good things in life to continuously fills my everyday life, I also would enjoy living what suits best which is a life without glitter, without lavishness and without guilt. I have to be a new person, needing and not wanting, economical and adhering to living back to basics.


  1. i wish the same thing bro... we people have great tendencies to want than to need... makes us wonder what significant things we are missing.

    i am sorry for your book. limited edition???

  2. Always wanting and never satisfied, I am a victim of this yet I am trying to live a simpler life. No, the book isn't a limited edition. I could possibly get one back. Thanks for asking.

  3. how apt.. "termites of our lives" .. small insect but able to create huge damage!

  4. Yes Lilian, and in real life, there are many termites that lurks everywhere. God bless!
