Saturday, October 10

To Stand

I walked into the classroom of one of my colleagues in school and found her sniffling. I asked her if she was crying and when she faced me, she let the tears roll. I listened and then offered some advices, some assurances and some hope.

I remembered facing adversaries throughout the past months and prayed hard to let the dust of insecurities and fears settle down. Then hearing of the tragic loss of lives brought about by typhoons and a tsunami to nearby countries humbled me. I was being selfish, complaining about life though it was an honest revelation of my feelings. I shared them because I cannot carry the burden by myself. The words of encouragement I received from friends and family members were of tremendous help for my sanity.

I told my friend that she is facing storms in her life because she is a strong woman and that I have known her as that vibrant and positive individual. I assured my friend that after the sudden burst of rain and howling wind, the storm will subside. I claimed that everything that is happening has a purpose and this she has to discover.

I offer the same to those who are lost or to those who are to surrender. Though times is getting tough and hope simply diminishes, there are still people willing to listen and support in any ways.

When one anchors to someone strong, you'll feel a certain strength. An affinity to someone who is full of hope can be hope itself. Facing the battle is one's step towards winning it and that there will always be Somebody great to help.


  1. Im battling a personal and professional "storm" at the moment.

    Anyway, I hope u'r ok.

  2. I am hoping that everything that is happening right now will serve as strength and I do understand the feeling of facing a "storm". Take care KJ!
