Sunday, September 5

Three Blessed Days

All is great now. The operation was a success and the experience a great learning process. While I reminisce the events of the three days period I was in the hospital, it gives me pleasure to write them down so as to remember those bittersweet and moments of exhilaration.

When I sneaked in two fish burgers for lunch prior to my operation in the evening, the doctor came in and saw me biting the last piece of the burger and said, “K. Jonathan, what are you eating? You’re not supposed to eat anymore.” “But I was hungry, would you like to go with me for lunch?” The bribe didn’t work so I gave the other burger to my interpreter.

Just before the operation, my interpreter came in before she left for home and send me her best wishes. What surprised were the two sentences she said before leaving. “You always have a smile on your face.” and “You have a great smile.” Now no one will backed her up with these because I am known as a stern looking teacher, a serious conversationalist, and a non-smiling person in real life (proven by all my photographs).

I was awakened by three nurses at six in the morning right after the night of the operation. They were there for my bath which I refused to have. I excused myself to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Right after cleaning the toothbrush, I felt queasy and fell down on the floor hitting my head on the marble top. Clinging on dear life because the fall made my stomach hurt, I was groaning in pain. The nurses were alerted and started to pull me out of the bathroom, sat me on a chair, transferred me on a wheelchair before laying me back on the bed, all through the help of four nurses. I woke up being fanned by ammonia on my face and hearing, "Your colour is coming back."

A good friend stayed for the night so he kept me up and alive in spirit. I thought that it would be splendid to exchange places where I will don casual clothes while he puts on my hospital gown. We wanted to see the nurses’ reactions but because I wasn’t that bad, we aborted the idea.

However, when my friend decided to sleep on the hospital bed and I was eating lunch, a nurse came and went straight to the bed and told my friend to take the medication after lunch. She was confused for a few seconds and then she gave us a big smile. Wink, wink!

Today, you’ll be getting soup!” and I got two bowls of soup, and I mentioned that it was splendid. When dinner came and I could have something more than soup, it was great. The next day when I received porridge and a piece of sandwich, it was heaven. After being deprived of water and food, whatever was served was a feast.

There were so many kind words and supportive people who accompanied me throughout. The funny jokes exchanged in both operating rooms were witty. The constant visits from an array of nurses greeting me in the morning, exchanging pleasantries in the afternoon, and warm exchanges of conversations in the evening were memorable. The throng of visitors who came and gave me warm wishes were highly appreciated.

To capped it all, as one of the nurses said, "Oh, do not cry, you are a big boy Khun Jonathan. We are here for you." That's all it takes to grow, knowing there are people behind to support, to love, to believe, and to pray for you. I am bless with good people, the Lord is indeed superb!

Many thanks to Ely and Jepoy for the calls, K. Tik and K. Jum for the food, and the parents of my students who visited me and to those who are still hanging food on my garden gate every morning.


  1. ohh. I'm glad all things went well.

    "stern looking teacher, a serious conversationalist, and a non-smiling person in real life"

    ---> REALLY???? how come I can't imagine you as stern? non-smiling? you always kinda kid around when you get to visit. hahahaha!

    weeeeee! when you visit home, we'll try to pig out - all those sinful food that you missed. wahaha~!

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for that call, I needed it most before the operation.

    It's a mystery to unravel why I smile at some but not to most.

    Ok, will join you in pigging out, desserts only.

  3. The hospital staff seem like really good people. It's good they treated you as nicely as they did.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the visit. I wouldn't be better without the able assistance of the hospital staff. The doctors are just great, funny too. The nurses are pretty, efficient as well. My visitors are wonderful.
