Wednesday, January 5

A New Morning

The recently concluded holidays became an awaited moment for some to refresh themselves and renew their spirits. It was a way to be with families and ponder the good times and heal the old wounds. It was an excuse to meet former friends and make new ones as everyone seemed to be in the spirit of the holidays.

I planned early, getting presents and things to give to my relatives and friends. I planned early, in securing airline tickets so I could be with love ones. I planned early, in scheduling myself so as to spend time wisely during my break.

However, the holidays won't be complete if I have not make connection with myself, a much needed peace and compromise to become better and feel better. The holidays became an excuse to prepare and be more busy. The holidays became a distraction to the many things occupying my troubled mind.

I have no plans as to what to do in the near future and have no idea where I am actually heading with this journey. I have met many people who had been giving me advices and pat in the back but I still have to endure the trials all by myself. The need to be in a new environment, the need to be in a secure place, the need to be important in my workplace, and the need to belong to a group are intertwined problems affecting my behaviour right now.

I am good, I am great and I know I can do many good things. I should not be in this dilemma but must get out of this rut. This new year, I should make plans for myself so as I get the needed peace not brought by the holiday break but by putting things in order, in perspective, and in importance. I vow to change and these changes won't be easy.

The morning is here, the action is now.


  1. wish i could write half as well as u :) hope u r alright, have faith and believe!

  2. Remember when you told me that I have to start somewhere and so I did. I now have my own business. Next step is to build another business. My future is starting to have a direction. If I can do it so can you. :)

  3. Make a spiritual journey yourself, start reading Book of Saints. There you can read how they are bruished, hurt and wounded but still remained standing tall because of their faith. How the LORD touched their lives and eventually led them to HIS kingdom.

  4. Thank you Lilian, Achi and Dico. Your words would always be inspiring and your presence always appreciated. I am strong and getting stronger through your wonderful support.
