Tuesday, April 17

The Gardener

I work non-stop. I am never still. After school, I am doing tutorials until early evening and once I arrive home, I am either cleaning the house, pressing some clothes or doing computer work. I am also a garden fanatic and I am in the garden when tutorials are cancelled. Just this week, it is our spring break and after visiting a faraway island for some days, I am back home and have been in the garden for two days now.

Yes, it is hot as the temperature is up to 35 degrees Celsius but since there are four parts of the garden, I do it in segments. In the morning, I stay at the sides of the house where it is still shaded so I can sweep the ground and trim the plants. Later, I will be in front since the sun isn't as bright and shining at that side. Before sunset, the sun is at its peak but I am at the other side again since it is shaded. It's done step by step, very organized so I make use of my time wisely. After a day, the feeling is different as I am happy with the end result. Plants are then repotted, leaves are then swept, dried twigs and branches are then broken in small pieces, and grass is then trimmed.

I want my life to be like how I organize my time in the garden. The four parts will be my personal life, my professional career, my relationship with my family and friends, and my time to myself. It will take more than a day to manage effectively what I mentioned since each is a big job in itself.

I want order in my personal dealings with my ordeals and challenges. I always pray for subsistence and countenance. I want stages in my professional career as a teacher. I always pray for patience and wisdom. I want solidarity and warmth in my relationships with my family and friends. I always pray for guidance and continuous blessings. I wanted more time for myself, being alone and acquiring strength in silence and meditation. I always pray for peace in my heart. 

The Garden is my solace. The Gardener is my Protector and Life.


  1. Alleluia! The nicest thing in life is really in communion with God. You will come to a point, that you can hear His voice in your brain.

  2. Like tonight, as we were watching a film on Teaching on Jesus, I suddenly felt my ulcer was bothering me and I was sweating in the Coldness of the Air conditioner. At first, I wanted to go home and bade them good-bye but I asked the Lord to heal me, so that I can finish the evening with them. Then after sometime, I became normal and the pain was gone. Before we finished, I told my seatmate what happened to me and she handed me KremilS, which I took to avoid a repeat of the pain. I am always amazed how God answers my prayers even in short notice. God is really good! Because when you love Him, He will always love you back. the intensity you give is the intensity you will receive and even more. Amen.

  3. He is my only source of strength. Thanks for sharing Dico.

  4. so so nice .... just what I Need to End my Kapatid Day .... Salamat! God bless ...

  5. Jonathon, What a Joy to hear from You. I love your post; it is so beautiful, so inspirational. God bless you!!!! Next, I'll message you -.
