Sunday, January 18

The Hammock

Still, they maybe from where they were hanging as no wind gave life to what they were for. Mere objects for decorations what with their majestic curves and craftsmanship. It was one lazy afternoon when a man strolled around the sandy beach and saw these hammocks of beauty. Their presence at the resort gave a bucolic but warm feel to the surroundings.

He gave one a push, just a gentle one, and the hammock started rocking. Left and right, left and right and continued until it gave a weak stop. He pushed it again, this time harder than the first, and the hammock moved with a forceful motion. 

"This is like me", he said to himself as he looked at how the swaying bed made a swinging pattern. The man was nothing when he started, with only a few hundreds in his pocket when he left. He willingly left the comfort of his home so he can make his own life, to find himself and his meaning.

All throughout his new found life, he was rocked right to left, back and forth. All the bad things gave him more strength while all the good things gave him validation. Without both forces, he will merely be an ordinary being. Without the 'push' from friends and foes, he will merely strive for mediocrity. 

Life is not just about having something to eat everyday for it is more than that. Life is giving meaning to our own existence. I am, how about you?


  1. I'm turning 30 this year. I have been to a lot of conferences, even took up theology classes, converted to another religion, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Life is Google, it's nothing but a big search engine that gives you thousands of answers to one question. Hmmmm.... ewan.

  2. Hindi ko maarok ito hahaha :)
    Pa'no ba bigyan ng meaning ang ating existence?... Minsan talaga gusto ko magpakalayu-layo eh at magmuni-muni lols.

  3. Hi Mr. Tripster,

    Too young, that's the only answer I can give to you. You still have hundreds and thousands of things to do and achieve. You still have to love and be loved.

    Still look for the meaning of life or its small definitions: sadness, loneliness, happiness, and joy. Our lives as bloggers are meant to intertwine and connect so we can also find meaning to our writings and thoughts.

  4. Tama ka Cher Jep,

    Kailangan kasi nating lumayo para makita natin ang ating sarili. Ang salamin, sariling atin lang ang ating nakikita. Pero kung lumabas ka ng iyong comfort zone, you will see more. Maybe not of your own, but of others and then putting them in your own perspective.

  5. Awww this makes me feel nostalgic and inspired Sir, like most of your writings. I totally agree with you. Some people merely exist instead of living. I guess there's so much about life too and both the good and the bad things will help us into our purpose in life.

    love lots,

  6. "Life is giving meaning to our own existence." This is cool :)
    awesome post !

  7. Hi Cristine,

    Purpose in life and of life... Not just to breathe but to appreciate life, not just to eat but to nourish the soul, not just to have fun but to learn, and not just to live but to have a meaning in life. I am happy I inspire people, even one.

  8. Thanks Rajiv,

    Yes, and the meaning should be something valuable not just to oneself but to others as well.

  9. This was beautifully written, Cher Jo. It made me think, and it made me miss writing.

    For me, the meaning of life is entirely subjective; it is an opinion.

  10. Hi sepsep,

    Thank you for the wonderful comment. Why don't you write again, in another platform maybe, since I told you before that I do admire your writing skills. Such a waste to leave nothing in the digital world of your immensity and prowess in words.

    Your opinion is valid since what you think is entirely not for all. Some think that living now is more important while others look at the future. Some think we live for others while majority would probably embrace living for oneself. Life has so many meanings and for me, life is also death.

  11. I guess I can say it to myself too:) Although I may say that I already made a progress in my life from where I was to what I am now, but still there are more battles to be won and many dreams to fulfilled:)

  12. Very well said Ms. Joy. Your life, through your blog, is an inspiration to many. I hope you will touch more lives with your stories.

  13. same here po. I just hope magaya po kita na naging matapang.. matapang na umalis sa comfort zone ko para maDiscover ko ung real purpose ko.
