Thursday, February 5

Weather the Weather

It was late afternoon and the weather was not in good terms with a vacation I was having. The sun was cast away while the clouds blanketed the entirety with gloom. Yet, when I looked up in the sky, a familiar sight welcomed my wandering eyes.

Up above was the majestic palm tree swaying its fronds as if waving its arms to me. Welcome, welcome as nobody dared to come on this lonely and dreadful bed weather day. The palm's joyous invitation was enough to give me a bright and cheery disposition at that time.

My school where I work is my second home. This is where I give my heart and soul everyday. And in every household, there will be bouts of loneliness and desperation when things does not run smoothly.

Nevertheless, in my everyday dealings at school, there are plenty of palm trees that welcome me with delight as I see them. They are the small children that I teach, an extension of a family I don't have. I get to be hugged by my little friends. I get enough thanks from my angels. I received smiles and morning greetings from parents of my students and other parents around the campus.

Then a dreaded day mollifies and a dull moment brightens up. A day filled with dark clouds becomes a symbol of hope that whatever the weather, it will be sunny later. When life hands us with challenges, always look at other sides for there maybe something beautiful by its corners.

The palm tree in your daily grind could be your children, your husband or wife, your friends or colleagues at work, and even your relationship with God. Busy lives are eaten but the waving welcome of your palm trees can give you strength. 


  1. This makes me wanna weep Sir. I couldn't exactly figure out why. I don't know I guess I'm just so blessed that I have palm trees who gets me through bad weather. But then there are those kind of weather in which I couldn't do something about. Something that all I could do is to wait and hope for sunny days to come :)

    love lots,

  2. It is good to know that you acknowledge the best things in your life and that you also accept the challenges. I am happy that at your young age, you see the blessings that comes your way.

    A lot of people only sees the dark side, without realizing that they are surrounded by palm trees.

  3. i know the feeling last vacation ko hindi din maganda ang panahon

  4. Hello Jonathan, greeting and good wishes.

    Beautiful photo of the palm tree. I can understand your feeling of welcome because I live in a place full of coconut palms. They sway with the breeze giving you the impression that they are dancing.

    Even if it is a bad day, everything depends on our attitude and how we look at our surroundings.

    Little children are angels. For them all days are good. It is only for adults like us we have good days and bad days.

    Best wishes.

  5. I really enjoy reading your blog, I am not sure why, but reading it like actually feel the situation there. If you know what I'm saying :D

    From Bali, Indonesia - with love, Imme ❤

  6. Hi Rix,

    Gumanda naman di ba? Marami kasing palm trees beckoning better days.

  7. Hi Joseph,

    I do like being surrounded by palm trees so you are lucky to have one filled with them. Good things do happen thus the gratitude and bad things do happen thus the experiences. It's a perspective, whether we see it as a most bad or less.

  8. Thanks Imme for the visit and welcome. The feelings are most felt because some words strike us in many ways. One's post can have an impact while some might not. Different readers see, feel, and learn from our blogs. It's the content that we write that leaves an impact.
