Thursday, February 26


As I write my life stories and everyday dealings with challenges and triumphs, I am making myself vulnerable in the eyes of those who read my posts.

As I listen to my colleagues about her dilemma at present, I suddenly encapsulate her stories with relation and connectivity of my own experiences. I open up myself in a more sensitive way.

When I speak my thoughts to someone I care for and open up my heart to what I am deeply feeling inside, I make myself open to rejection or acceptance. 

When things do not go my way and prayers seem not working, I let myself wallow in despair. The feeling of abandonment at that moment having no answer to a fervent prayer nullifies my faith, wavering at that instance. I become hopeless. 

But life is a wonder and no one can make a prediction of its various blessings. When we make ourselves vulnerable, we can gain strength. When we open ourselves to others, we become true to our convictions. When we allow ourselves to be rejected or accepted, we experienced love. When we become hopeless, we could dig in to a more deeper faith.

As the leaf of a fern plant unfurls, it offers a beginning.


  1. hmmm ano nga po yun? binabalingoyngoy ako. Joke lang.

    Ganun talaga naman ata eh. siguro yan ay kasama na sa irony of life.

  2. Things are presented and we allow ourselves to either learn from them or not. And when we don't understand things, it's the irony of life.

  3. This is exactly the kind of thoughts that I need now Sir. I'm actually feeling down and depress right now but I'm trying my best to stay/look happy. I feel like I'm always in a twilight but I don't share what I often feel inside to others because I'm afraid they just ignore me. I don't even have someone now who I can talk to so I'm burying myself with books and writing poems.
    I guess life is really like this SIr. Although most of the times I feel more sad with no apparent reasons.

  4. I think one should never give away so much about himself. One reason kung bakit I try to be strict with my Anonimity Policy.

    It's either I tell you my deepest secrets and thoughts without showing my full identity or i show you my identity without telling you my innermost thoughts.

    Whether you unveil yourself to people or conceal everything you are and will always be subject to people's judgement. We are humans. And whether we like it or not, they will hate us or love us. The future of it will totally depend on your character and your choices, thus, determining your destiny.

    Ano daw? Hehehe! tama na. sobrang serious naman.

  5. In my opinion I think there is a reason why certain things happen to us :)

  6. I wrote my true story in my blog that caused two of my sisters so angry to me because they dont want others to know my story because they were a part of it. My goal was to inspire, but they dudn't understand. so to have peace in the family, I deleted the posts of my life story in my blog although it hurts much. so being honest can cause someone trouble too:(

  7. Hi Cristine,

    You have choices, to find someone you trust to share your feelings or to make idle time busy by reading or writing. Whatever you do, it means you are working on your current troubles. The bad thing is when we do not do anything fruitful and even resort to hurtful things.

    I read your post and time is a healer. Just like what I shared, if it not for us, we should let it go.

  8. Hello Mr. T,

    Well written and shared. True, I had myself and my stories in the open through my posts but I still couldn't share my trials and current dilemma. However, I chose to show myself because I am aiming for a diary to keep, of my travels and life stories.

    There were people who came to visit but never came back. It means they were not interested to read. There were those who stayed put, maybe for friendship sake, and I am grateful to them. When I unfurled myself to these people, they became witnesses to my growth as a person and through my journey, some of them were with me.

  9. @Simon,

    Things happen for a reason and there are some things in life we should not question anymore because it is already there. All we need to do is to see things in a different way and embrace what is given to us. If we like it, then it is good. If we don't like it, then we make ways to change the situation. Just like your most recent post, you shared your happiness to us thus the smile to those who read it.

  10. Dear Ms. Joy,

    I was surprised to see your post deleted. I believe that I wrote one of my best comments to that post because I do mean what I said. That post will inspire people especially for those who sees hope as elusive.

    Your post about your beginning and how your sister reacted is a fine example of My Unfurl post. Whether they love it or not, please continue to share your challenges and triumphs because a lot of people like me will learn important things from you. Be an inspiration!

  11. When we become hopeless, we could dig in to a more deeper faith.---- then we end up being hopeful as life unfolds its surprises to us :)

    Iniisip kong kumustahin ka lately, pero sa isip ko nakumusta na kita, yun pala hindi ko pa nagawa yung act.

    We all go through our own battles and minsan we dont want to bother others pero ok lang pala yun. Kasi we wouldnt know when we need someone to listen to us as well.

    At the end of the day, in this life, we can always find something to be thankful for and that will eventually make us feel better. Life is good no matter what.

    Cyberhugs :D :D :D

  12. Same here cher Kat, iniisip ko ring mangamusta but hindi ko rin ginawa. I do find looking at your FB postings as an indication that you are well and happy. Kaya siguro yung mga EB na yan eh super saya, kasi we get to talk about many things in life na hindi pa nauungkat through writing or messaging. Mas maraming kuwento sa buhay.

    Tama, there is always something good about things that happen to us. My accident is telling me to slow down and to rethink many things. I might even change something in my life, for good. We get to reflect when we experience sadness or happiness.

  13. Same tayo ng sentiments sir Jo.
    Madalas nga lang, masyado lang siguro akong nagiging "anxious" sa magiging reaction ng mga readers ko (kung meron man lol) dun sa topic na pinost ko. Kaya ang ending madalas di ko na halos naitutuloy yung dapat kong magiging post XD

  14. Mahirap nga Fiel because in a way I also look into what the readers will say. Hindi nga ako nag o open much though k really like to write so I write things that also interest me aside from those that I keep though really, really wanted to share.

    We unfurl to people but we also need to prepare ourselves. Rejection and acceptance are two opposite things. We aim for the second but most of the time, we will meet the first.
