Thursday, October 22

Back to the Past

My weekend became a time travel when I visited Khao Yai Floating Market in Nakhon Ratchasima.  When I walked through the wooden floors that creaked and wobbled, I was transported in a past that was quite interesting to reminisce.

When I was young, my grandparents have a small restaurant and during summer days or holidays, I am actually my grandfather's helper.  Not that I was selling drinks, I was in the kitchen helping out.  I was the runner when things needed replenishing. I was also helping out one of our food servers to sell barbecue and it was always sold out.  Our helper was a pretty gal and men were always our customers. 

My mum used to have a small portion of that restaurant as a shop where we sell candies and ice cream.  I remember siting with her while she taught me how to draw, or when I am doing my school work.  

We also had long playing records of various musicians and I remember sitting down on a lazy afternoon listening to the music of Matt Monro and Louis Armstrong, and musicals like Fiddler on the Roof. 

The barber shop I used to visit was manned by a person with a Short Leg Syndrome.  His peculiar walking earned him the name of Litong Pilay, which wasn't offensive at that time.  All four male members of the household went to  to him for our haircut.

The tables and chairs, albeit upside down, were reminiscent of our old and cherished chairs and table in our restaurant.  I recalled doing all my drawings on one of them while my grandma watched me.  She usually gave me some money after I finished one. 

And this photograph reminded me of my father's business as we used to supply petroleum equipment to different petrol stations around manila and its vicinity.  When others came up with the same idea and had more money to invest, ours simply dwindled and was eaten up by neglect. 

Last but not the least, the three characters reminded me that I should not stop being a child, a child of inspiration and wonder in his everyday dealings with the world. My short walk at those old quaint displays was filled with delight, with some tears, but definitely with gladness. 


  1. Childhood memories...:)
    Good post, bro...

  2. What/who is that other superhero that I cant name? LOL....

    Im thinking of getting a new dining set for our home this Christmas. A glass one, but since I saw this one, upside down set, I thought, maybe its better to get a wooden one instead. Something that would last longer and wont be too delicate to handle at home... Hmmm...

    I wish to have another trip with you. Everything looks so nice and simple.

  3. Thanks Rajiv. Were you able to recall some similarities?

  4. Same here Cher Kat, it was the six pack that lured me to take a photo, lol!

    Glass table tops are nice but very delicate. You could get a wooden one and then topped it with a runner or table cloth during special occasions. You can do that with a glass but you have to be reminded all the time that it is fragile.

    Will do a trip together hopefully before the one with Tripster.

  5. You have a really interesting and beautiful childhood Sir! I can only imagine how you are feeling visiting those places that meant so much in your memories!

    love lots,

  6. Thanks Cristine! I did enjoy my short walk because the memories are still there triggered by the displays. If I could go back in time, I sure do know what I wanted to do again.

  7. Good day Sir Jo... ang ganda naman ng place.. yung mga old memorabilia.. I'm sure they saved so many memories na...
    ako parang narealize ko mejo boring yung childhood ko hahaha parang puro kalokohan lang naalala ko nung bata ako LOL
    kidding aside.. siguro kapag nabisita ko yung mga dating tinirhan namin.. i will be emotional too.. magkahalong saya at lungkot.. eh kasi masarap maging bata ^_^

  8. Hi Blue,

    I have a draft about the place where I grew up and still wanting to add more to it before being published. Maganda o pangit na alaala, we learn from them. I am also into old artficats but having no place to display them, they were then stored in a relative's storage house.
