Wednesday, June 15

you're weird. i like it.

It was the end of the school year and as usual, I was the most tired person in school and I wanted to think that I was. Staying late till one in the morning to finish a presentation for the very next day, it was something I will not do again in the future.  I was exhausted. Though the presentation went well, I was a walking zombie at noon. 

Anyway, the usual end of the year has its ups and downs.  The children leaving for another school, or going back home to their own countries is a common sight as well as teachers and colleagues leaving.  One of my colleagues gave me a card that says, you're weird. i like it

Dear Jonathan,

You're just the right kind of weird, mister!  I will miss your quirky and     
  sometimes irreverent sense of humour, and watching you shower the children with your affection and care - even the most challenging ones!

I have enjoyed collaborating with you this yer, in particular, and celebrating the children's learning journey with you.  Being in your classroom very nearly twice a week has made me miss having my own far less.  In your classroom, I have truly felt like a part of a community- one that you have nurtured with your beautiful spirit and kind heart.

I don't say things that I don't mean, so whatever you need next year, you just let me know! I'll always be your colleague and friend...project related, school related or life related... and don't forget you'll always have a place to stay in England!

I will keep on teaching as I get to meet superb people in their field.  I will miss two special people (Mia and Julie) in school this August.  They will both be in England, meeting their partners and living-in together for good.  I wish them all the best. 

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