Tuesday, July 12

To End the Year with Gratitude


It's the end of summer school and since it is going to be another milestone in my teaching profession, a coming celebration of my beginnings, I gathered the last comments I got from parents before the school ended.  They are reminders of how I should face the new year of my teaching life.

Thank you for the wonderful comments:

I can't say enough about how much we, Carl, Nok, Emily and Nara appreciate your kind support to Nara.  We will be your biggest fan always! Branden family

Thank you so much for your love and care to Chris.  You know how much I appreciate every thing you did.  With love always. Lertsmitivanta family

Thank you so much for a wonderful year together.  We really appreciated it. Phisuthikul family

Thank you so much for a wonderful time!  You're an amazing teacher! Jayden is very happy to go to school everyday because of you.  I wish he had more time with you, very nice group of staff, kids and environment. Jiramanakorn family

We love you Teacher Jonathan! You have been so amazing and instrumental in Anna's growth and learning. Boudreaux family

Thank you for the love and helping Branden grow into a loving and wonderful environment.  He has enjoyed everyday at school.  We saw the joy in learning in him and the fun of learning.  Wish you all the best in life and keep up the great job. Williamson family

Thank you! Hong family

Thank you for all the love and learning you have given these kids.  We will miss you so much! Wishing you all the best for the future! Trahan family

Your presence in our daughter's lives has influenced them and us for the better.  There is no way we can thank you enough.  We look forward to remaining friends. Udagawa family

Best wishes. Pubudumuni family

Thank you for a wonderful year.  Thanks for being a good teacher. Andersen family

I started teaching on July 13 many years ago, so today is a grand celebration of my past and my present while I look forward to what the next year will bring.


  1. Well done! Their kind words would always be the motivation for your continued hard work to groom the world's future leaders.

  2. Thank you. I do find these wonderful comments as encouragement and fuel to start a new year.

    I am lucky to be in a community of great people and to grow with them is a privilege.

    Have a great day!

  3. "Thank you so much for believing that the children are our future; for teaching them well and letting them lead the way." -blogosphere family hehehe :)

    bakasyon mo na sir Jo? buti ka pa :)

  4. Hello,Jonathan.
    Wonderful post!I know how their comments encourage you. I completely agree with Mr Twilight.
    Happy day to you!!

  5. Hi Jep,

    Napakanta? ha,ha,ha.

    Yes, it is five weeks of summer break and off to school again in the middle of August.

  6. Hello Miss Tomoko,

    Yes, the words are like welcomed encouragements for another year of new students. Bright minds think alike.

    Have a great day!
