Monday, September 22

Absence (September 22, 2008)

I have not been walking down my garden for quite some time. The rains had been pouring every now and then and I had been very busy with other things. I am not worried for my plants as I knew the rain is taking care of them.

What I enjoy with absence is the joy of finding something surprising. I remember being away from my garden for almost a week since I travelled somewhere and then be welcomed by blossoming yellow flowers, the kind that bear flowers so rare. There was this palm like tree I have and one day surprised me with the wonderful smell of its flowers.

There was also a time when I was admiring a spotted green and yellow plant of mine one day and then returned to be shocked with just a trunk, branches and very few leaves as it was devastated by caterpillars.

So I guess that being away from my garden will give me a needed surprise, a few blossoms maybe or fruits from the trees. And I am hoping that the absence I am feeling from many things will bring me, something to look forward to.

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