Sunday, April 5

It's Just Impossible (April 05, 2009)

Understanding others had been a struggle for many because of man's complications. One person is simply not the same as the one beside him or her. Each and every one has their own uniqueness and whims so that we either make friends or enemies.

In work, we seems to be doing good until a colleague starts talking bad. In school, we seems to be doing partnerships with our classmates until the group started to drift. In social situations, one can always feel that cracks have started to show up thus the unexpected fall.

I have been working in my school for nearly six years now and still cannot comprehend the actuations of a colleague. We had our moments of bouts, ready to explode if left unattended. Our morning meets are always tense. Exchange of greetings are usually not reciprocated. I am either unheard of, non-existent or being given a cold shoulder. I was told that this colleague of mine is moody, ever-changing and has a world of her own but I cannot buy them. By not believing I end meeting the person everyday with no exchanges or cordial greetings. We exist like ghosts staying in corners not to spook but to be left unnoticed.

I find going to school tedious not because of my students, I love them so much, but because of the few occasions I cross path with my colleague. No amount of generous talking have mend our relationship as workers. It is trying to be genial with fake smiles that keeps us together. Though I wanted to be in a place where I can be friends with everyone, it is not feasible as personalities are so complicated we can always find someone who will dislike us.

The head of the school knows about this and other colleagues as well. They are treated the same way. I just wish that all our concerned talks with that fellow colleague will make her change her ways, one of these days.


  1. hi jon, it's been ages since my last visit here in blogger; i missed reading your articles, and as i was reading your latest entry, i couldn't help but agree - we're on the same boat jon, only i have more than 1 colleague to deal with.. our managers actually know about this indifference in the office, but they do nothing about it... i love my work, but anytime soon i am going to leave and look for other jobs before i explode.

  2. Welcome back, JP. I don't want anyone leaving the school or someone getting fired for that matter. All I asked for is consideration on the part of my colleague to see her faults and change herself if not for others.

    You can either stay and change your own perspective and face them or you could choose to find a better environment, but I am telling you that wherever you may go, there would always be someone whom we will not "like".

    I wish you the best. God bless !

  3. She's a horrible, horrible person...

    Maybe menopausing?

    Or simply insecure?

    It's annoying aint it? To go somewhere with a tense atmosphere. There's always one in every workplace coz we have one in ours. But good thing I can handle her. She might be a bitch, but Im superbitch!


  4. I better take a crash course on Bitching 101 with you. I am annoyed all the time and changing myself to suit someone else is not really my cup of tea, though I try.

    Where should I start?

  5. bitching 101? that's cool, hahaha! count me in!

  6. wow..i don't what to say. is seldom encounters like these esp. in a workplace...hmmm...

    have you tried to talk to her?

    anyway, i hope she figure out her problems soon, and leave you at peace..hehe!

    ps: are you really taking that Bitching 101 with KJ? hahaha!

  7. JP: hop on board! maybe they treat us badly because we are meek and humble. we might try using another approach.

    Lucas: there would always be one or two wherever you work just like what KJ said. a friend told me to change myself but I wanted others to do the same, see their misgivings and be better persons.

    bitching 101 might come in handy, hop in, lol!
