Sunday, April 26

From Them to Me (April 26, 2009)

When I asked someone to love me in return, I received a smirk and was told, "You're just a mere teacher!" And during the many years that went by, it stuck to my mind that no matter how good I am , I will always be regarded as a "mere" teacher. A teacher whose equivalent is low salary and no chance to step up the ladder. And those many years of persevering and dedication did not earn me wealth comparatively speaking, but filled my life with love and deep emotions among my many young learners. Life is wonderful - one leaves, others stay.

Artists: Elena (Croatia), Shin and Keene (Thailand), Jade and Sam (U.S.A.), Hanaa (India), Ben and Emma (Australia), Jason (Germany), Zane (Belgium), Kazue and Haruka (Japan)


  1. Teachers are one of the most underrated jobs, even in my country! But teachers are molders of minds and are instrumental in the development of a student's ideals and character. ;)

  2. Thanks for the visit. True, and there are also other professions that falls into this category. My perspective is that I am doing my job as a citizen, with pride and dignity.

  3. I wont be what I am today if not for my teachers. (huh?)

    Hang on... I hope my teachers arent scratching their heads now that Ive become "what I am today".

    A shallow individual and a fool.


  4. being a teacher is one of the noblest of jobs that i respect....and i want to a teacher or an instructor one someday.... sharing what goes on in your head, that could change a life is a blessing....

    yeah... i can't imagine how would i be able to survive that night without a pen or paper around...:P

  5. @Kris - I wonder why you give yourself such a shallow perspective when what I see is a wonderful person. Your teachers are scratching their heads because they are all saying, "My! He is doing good and I am still here." Keep up the good deed!

  6. @ Lucas- You have the humane personality of a nurse and the intelligence and perseverance of a would-be- teacher that is hidden, that will be a feat to beat. And when you are teaching, always remember that though lowly in stature and compensation, the lives you will touch will be incomparable.
