Wednesday, June 24

Second Chance (June 24, 2009)

I was given a beautiful plant as a Christmas present but with no instructions on how to take care of it. Thinking it was just plain sun and water, I transferred it from one spot to the next for the plant to get maximum exposures. It died because of the constant rain.

Then I received another one from a parent who commented that she is giving me one for she discovered I like strange looking plants. I thought for a while where she got that piece of news but I shrugged my shoulders and extended my thanks.

We will always make mistakes in dealing with life's challenges and dilemmas. We either accept and do something about them or abandon them with neglect but they’ll surely haunt us again. Facing the troubles with a strong determination to solve them makes us more of a person. We have to believe that help comes from within us, not from outside. That we are warriors of this world, and giving up hope is a no-no.

I tried to resuscitate the first plant by drying the main trunk with newspaper but I was late. The first plant was already dying. The second plant is like a new beginning, a second chance. It is a new life that I need to care for given the experience and know how. The result had been great. This time, I know what to do. The plant is in full bloom and growing brilliantly well.

When we look at things, we either embrace the darkness and stay within our own comfort zone hoping things will just pass. But for those who grant second chances to our own mistakes and misgivings, we become hopeful and alive.


  1. I had 4 bonsais in my 7 years stay in here... and unfortunately none survived.

    Am i a murderer?

  2. If you tortured them and let them die, then you are, lol!

  3. "Then I received another one from a parent who commented that she is giving me one for she discovered I like strange looking plants. I thought for a while where she got that piece of news but I shrugged my shoulders and extended my thanks."
    --- haha, hilarious! maybe you have mentioned that you like gardening in your class, and one of your students told told her mom about it. :)

  4. Hi JP,

    We live in a small community (aka Desperate Housewives' Wysteria Lane), and everybody knows everything. My students are only four and yes, they do tell everything to their parents.
