Thursday, July 30


Rains had been pouring over Metropolitan Bangkok in incessant downpours. Some weeks ago, I waded through knee-deep water to get back home reminiscent of "Waterworld" . If it takes me fifteen minutes brisk walking from the gates of my house to the entrance of the village, it took me twice the number of minutes because of the flood. It sure beat running on a thread mill with a 45 degree angle.

What is seemingly disturbing about the turbulent night is a big contrast to what's ahead in the morning. No, it wasn't the floating trash as there were very few but the sight of the roads, pristine looking by the washing of the flood. The leaves were ever green, the streets were washed off, and the air seems fresh.

In our everyday living, we need some downpours to visit our lives every now and then. They come in the guise of troubled relationships, money matters, professional dilemmas, difficult decisions, or simply what we always say, problems of life.
The pouring of the rain dampens our spirits but washes us so that we can be fresh and renewed owing to our own faith and healing. The rising flood becomes challenges that we need to deal as they are of nature's giving. It will come, whatever we do or wish for, and will give us the know-how to deal with pressing situations.

As they always say, there will always be sunshine after the rain.

(I am experiencing many difficulties on a personal level but I believe that everything will pass. Thanks to my lovely blogging friends who constantly visit and gives me something to hang on, your presence.)

Sunday, July 26

Rewriting History

Sometimes I wish that the stories of our lives can be lived for a few days and rewinded back if things did not go our way. Sometimes I wish that words that I expressed in anger could be taken back to ease the pain I had created. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to pursue a different course of action upon seeing the mistake. Sometimes I wish I could have love someone so I won't be regretting the time called present.

For now I write the history of my life through my diary and through my blog. I
may not be able to rewind the events but I could really learn from them. For now I try to control my feelings so as not to hurt myself and others thus saving relationships and faces. I either remain silent over things or simply say my piece in a nicer way. For now I remain in my job but is trying to pursue other interests. I look for opportunities and will dive in to learn new things. For now I remain steadfast and loving to those around me. I may not be able to bring a family to this world but by taking care of who's around me gives me a sense to live.

Someday, my history will give meaning and importance to someone. Someday, the people I've hurt will forgive me. Someday, teaching will be a beloved profession for its dynamic face. Someday, someone will be back and give meaning to my existence.

(artwork courtesy of Madeline B.)

Monday, July 20


Walking along the weary path
worried face, grumbling stomach
Then stopped to rest and stretched

one hand begging, meager coins to fetch.

Along came a simple man, mindful

with nothing much but just enough
Reached for his pocket, half-full

a smile, a coin dropped, a gesture.

That one piece of metal to behold

added up for a fruitful goal
Of filling the emptiness not of the mind
but of the body, tired, consoled.

The giving spirit to home abound

lost nothing but a weight to carry
For each piece was nothing compared

to a beggar, a polyphony.

One mouth, two, three to feed
harsh, unfair continuous struggles

To survive, battling, lives to live

for what purpose, reasons crumbled.

For what he shared was just a speck
from a wage, hard earned

Undeniably luckier, even for a sec

to see one's upturn.

Oh why have for some, forsaken
deprived of heaven's blessings

To live is pain and suffer, betoken

no basis for any thanksgiving.

But the giver, what motive, the aim
gave to share, a feeling of pity

Was it heart, the mind, or a game
to help, to absolve, conformity?

The hopeful receiver, prayed to seize

a handful, adequate, or meagre.

No strength to see and feel at ease

tomorrow's light to conquer.

The lucky chap who makes a living

walked a path, clear and secured

Defined of care and trust, realizing

life for all its worth, measured.

* The number of poor people increase from 5.4 million in 2007 to 5.7 million in 2008, 11.4% of the total population, 5.2 million in rural areas and 570,000 in towns and cities. The poor, according to the Thailand Development Research Institute are people who earn between 1,749 and 1,800 baht per month. (Bkk Post Spectrum, July 2009)

(Artwork by Cole W.)

Thursday, July 16

The Lorax

Dr. Seuss is probably one of the most prolific and famous amongst the many children's literature writers. He is a genius in his own right. Named Theodor Seuss Geisel, born in 1904, graduated from Dartmouth College in 1925, and proceeded on to Oxford University with the intent of acquiring a doctorate in literature.

One of his most notable book is The Cat in the Hat, a book that inspired his publishers for him to write a book of 220 words, to help with the growing number of illiteracy among school children. Something perky, not the usual boring stuff children need to learn.

It intrigued me that his book The Lorax (1971) is a story about environmental degradation and the warnings made by the Lorax itself about the harm of destroying nature. It shows how greed and success make money and without any concern about what we do with the things around us. It intrigued me because Dr. Seuss was aware of a problem that we will be facing today as he conceptualized the story more than three decades ago.

Though I have to say that many had contributed to the success of environmental awareness but still. there is a need for active participation. As I read the book to the younger generations, I simply couldn't help but point out the beauty of the past. I wanted the impressions to last not on photographs alone but through a direct contact with nature's bounty.

For I am gardener and living with nature has its perks. For I am a teacher and promoting positive action is my goal. For I am a part of this world and I have a responsibility to care and do some action.

Monday, July 13

In the Beginning...

I was a confused soul when I finished my high school years. I have no idea where I am going and what to take in the university. No amount of tests or attended talks about choosing the right career had been helpful to my decision to what course to take in the university.

I ended up taking a degree in Philosophy of which helped me think logically and concisely. There were discussions about existentialism, pragmatism and my course favourite, logic. My colleagues in class were seemingly baffled by the endless arguments created in class thus a need for small study groups emerged. Mine was composed of eight friends where aside from chit chatting and eating outs, involved ourselves in the greatest debacle of logical reasoning. I became their group leader, then from years on, approached college days with leaderships and responsibilities.

But a degree in Philosophy did not merit any work as it was a stepping stone to something grand such as law or religious studies. I ended up jobless and decided to make my time worth by enrolling in a Master's programme in Religious Studies.

One day, I received a phone call from a close friend and she asked me if I am interested to work part-time in a school for very young children. Well, this was better than doing nothing in the mornings. I attended the interview and passed, not because of my eloquence or ability to speak other languages. I got the job as an assistant teacher because when I entered a class to peeked into the world of these youngsters, three crying toddlers reached for my legs, hugged them and asked me to stay with them. And thus my story begins...

I am celebrating 23 years of teaching preschool aged children with personal goals to become more patient, more compassionate, more knowledgeable, more loving and the desire to be a better person.