Thursday, July 30


Rains had been pouring over Metropolitan Bangkok in incessant downpours. Some weeks ago, I waded through knee-deep water to get back home reminiscent of "Waterworld" . If it takes me fifteen minutes brisk walking from the gates of my house to the entrance of the village, it took me twice the number of minutes because of the flood. It sure beat running on a thread mill with a 45 degree angle.

What is seemingly disturbing about the turbulent night is a big contrast to what's ahead in the morning. No, it wasn't the floating trash as there were very few but the sight of the roads, pristine looking by the washing of the flood. The leaves were ever green, the streets were washed off, and the air seems fresh.

In our everyday living, we need some downpours to visit our lives every now and then. They come in the guise of troubled relationships, money matters, professional dilemmas, difficult decisions, or simply what we always say, problems of life.
The pouring of the rain dampens our spirits but washes us so that we can be fresh and renewed owing to our own faith and healing. The rising flood becomes challenges that we need to deal as they are of nature's giving. It will come, whatever we do or wish for, and will give us the know-how to deal with pressing situations.

As they always say, there will always be sunshine after the rain.

(I am experiencing many difficulties on a personal level but I believe that everything will pass. Thanks to my lovely blogging friends who constantly visit and gives me something to hang on, your presence.)


  1. Im sorry to hear that you're down emotionally...

    Anyways, just like every after heavy rains, Im sure you'll see your rainbow soon.

  2. Thanks again Jasper. I just wanted to share sad notes but of course, all these things will come to pass.
