Tuesday, December 22


300 entries since the beginning and I am still going to write and share. Entries about my passions- gardening and teaching; trials and successes; failures and sorrows; books and religion. Each and every entry is a creation not just by the mind but by the heart. My present status as being all alone throughout had forced me to create a vessel to communicate my thoughts and feelings gathered everyday.

300 is a big number but still a minuscule to the many ideas that permeates my core of thinking. It is nothing compared to the many thoughts that pervades my everyday meet with disasters and joys. It is also not enough to compare the number of times I was hurt or fell in love or thoughts of giving up. The entries I wrote were just a summary of my real core.

Each entry speaks about a layer of my inner thoughts, desires or faulty decisions. They moved me to seek support from readers and learned through those posts the magnanimity of dialogues. I seek not of an audience but a venue for my appreciation and disappointments. I made a start, continued through these years and eventually managed to reach these many entries.

I will continue to write as it is my only companion in life. Even without an audience, my monologues about living will surely be heard not because it is loud and daunting but because it speaks from the heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr Athan!

    Aint sure if you celebrate this... but Merry Xmas anyway!
