Thursday, December 17

A Child Like Keene

Keene's drawing
I accepted doing special tutoring to this former student of mine not because of money. Their house is about forty five minutes away from mine give and take the traffic. I take three different modes of transportation to reach my destination: samlor, a cab, and a motorcycle taxi. I take a Skytrain and a cab to return home. It looks a lot of riding but it is my choice.

The family of this boy called Keene is a wonderful family whose warmth and friendship are priceless. The sister is equally smart and fun to teach. Keene displays an ardent desire to learn in most instances. He absorbs details and has been very inquisitive since he was little.

I teach Keene because I have see his great progress socially, emotionally, and academically. I enjoyed my preschool days with him. He always have this infectious smile and questioning eyes. It is obvious that he's one of my favourites.

One day, his family has to be in one particular mall and it just so happened that I needed a book from a bookstore so I tagged along. The walk from the parking space to the supermarket where the family was heading was short but it was in that very short distance that I felt something in my heart.

Keene was holding my hand and the feeling of being a dad surfaced unto me. It was magical but short-lived. The possibility to be a dad is nil but to be one, for a short time, is empowering.

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