Monday, May 21

Questions and Answers

Children are generally inquisitive and part of our curriculum in school is to hone this inquisitiveness as it is part and parcel of our approach to project work. Though I enjoy the questions and answers vis-a-vis that happens everyday, I am still compounded by intrigue when I am asked about other things that are not project related. Here are some samples:

- Did you ever go to school? 
- Did you learn to add and to subtract?
- Why are your teeth black?
- Is your mom dead?
- How old are you?
- You have a birthday?
- Do you live in school?
- Do you like me?
- I know who your favourite is.
- Can I go to your house?
- Can you go to my house for tea?

And my favourite...Can you be my daddy?

I answer them as honestly as I can, okay, not really especially with the age thing. I always tell them that I am a hundred years old and they will always tell me, that I should be dead. Very clever indeed!


  1. hahaha. I think I asked you some (possibly four)of these before. But I'm not sure what your answer was about the age. 25? :P

    haha. clever kids.

  2. Now I am wondering what questions you asked me before, and that there were four? Hmmm...
