Friday, May 4

Kind Words

Every year, I receive great feed backs from parents of my students as the school year is about to end. Their different experiences with me as a teacher prompt them to write interesting pieces and mostly shared through e-mails or greeting cards. No amount of presents, big or small, can fill the happiness and validation of the kind words they write for me. Here is one just recently:

Thank you!

He is much better. He slept and omitted most of Monday after he came home from school. Today he was a little grumpy but managed to eat some. We had no idea he was sick Monday morning when I sent him to school. I hope he didn't pass it onto anyone. Sunday night he practiced for the ISB triathlon and ran and ran and ran... He is a trooper.

I hope you are feeling better too after last week. Courtney told me you were feeling rough also. I don't know how you keep up your energy level with all the kids all the time. Amazing to me.

It crossed my mind that it will be hard for Kevin to leave ELC, since he will likely be our last to attend. We rave about your class to others, and they look forward to when their child is old enough to attend your class.

Thank you for all you do for the children. They are better people for learning from you.

Take care,

I am going to find time to compile all the e-mails I received just for this school year and put them in my blog as a reminder of why I am a teacher and why I stayed put in this profession. Though there are some tough things ahead, I will look at them as challenges and not as deterrents to succeed further. 


  1. U r still the best for my 2 girls too!! @^_^@

  2. Aowww that's lovely xx

  3. great job bro !!! keep it up :)

  4. when i first met you i knew then that you are a very responsible and caring teacher...keep up the good work and god bless...

  5. Love to hear good news from you. Having been like a mom to both you and Ji when I was still single. My first nephew and niece, playing the mom role was dear and exciting for me. And to see you succeed in your undertaking made me more you Jon!
