Wednesday, July 29

Froi's Lobster Award

I was tagged a year ago by three bloggers with the same award but I made my post different as to the original.  This time, I am sticking to what I was asked of, though I won't be making any tags or questions since I only have a handful of readers and they were already tagged. 

Thank you Mr. Froi for the tag and nomination.  May the force be with you.

Here are his questions:

1. If by some chance you turned into a talking toad, what are you going to do aside from talking?

Since I am now a toad, I might as well hop around, eat flies, scare people, and float on the pond with no worries.

2. What Filipino food best describe your love life today?

Leche Plan, nagkaleche-leche plano ko sa buhay nang dumating ka!

3. You turned into a talking toad but can only blurt 6 words.  What are you going to say and to whom are you going to say it?

I am going to say it to the one who turned me into a toad, "Tae ka, turn me or else!!!!"

4. Aside from world peace and forever, what are you going to wish if a genie grants a wish?

Sir Genie, puwede mo bang ibalik papa and mama ko?

5. What are you going to do if you were trapped on an elevator with the man/woman of your dreams for 24 hours?

I have no dream person, kahit sino na lang. "Miss, puwede ka ba?" "ikaw sir?"
"Ako pa, choosy?"

6. What obscure English words best describe you?  (Give three with definition please.)

(I need to google this question, seriously!)

Hygge - a word which is sort of a combination of friendliness, coziness and warmth

Hiraeth - means something like a homesickness to a home you can never return

Fusty - old-fashioned

7. If you are going to change the scientific name of human beings, what would it be and why?

Homo sinapian since a lot of people are like zombies.  Most are into their cell phones, laptops and computers checking their FB, mails, instagram, and others, no more physical interaction. 

8. What facial feature of a person appeals to you the most? (exclude the eyes, nose, lips and teeth.)

Okay, I am now left with cheeks, dimples, facial hair, ears, eyebrows and eyelashes.... I am taking eyelashes as it would be admiring to see them fan up and down while chatting. 

9. What is your favorite '90s TV program?


10. How are you going to react if you were crowned the titleholder of a prestigious international male/female pageant? Show your reaction using a gif.

 photo 5SecondsApp.gif

Sunday, July 26

Summer in Chantaburi 2015

My first summer trip was a respite from the heat of Bangkok.  As I was sweating profusely in the garden, all I had been asking was rain.  So when I embarked on a short trip to Chantaburi, rain was all that welcomed me.

It was raining through the entire afternoon and it was brewing storm during the night.  The howling wind wasn't my cup of tea.  I envisioned a short stroll at the beach or maybe sitting in one of the chairs for a nap.  I stayed inside my bungalow.

I stayed at Chivaree Resort and it wasn't a regular resort found in the deepest part of a small road.  It was tucked inside to be discovered.  Let the photographs I took in the morning speak of its distinct character.

I asked when I checked in whether there were other guests but lo and behold, I was the only one just like in my previous staycations around Thailand.  People probably can sense that I am arriving so they all leave.  I enjoyed it thoroughly, not because I am used to being by myself but because I get to take photos with no photo bombers, LOL!

A room in a barge, amazing find!
(Tamang tama sa baha.)
(Si Noah ka ba? Bakit?
Ikaw kasi ang magliligtas sa akin sa panahon ng baha. KORNI!)

Snake like steps leading towards the bar.
(Wala ka pang naiinom, lasing ka na maglakad.)

The lilies and the big jars complete the entrance.
(Excuse me, the red carpet please!)
(Ilublub kaya ka namin diyan!)

The wind and rain were strong to topple down a chair.
(Naglasingan ang hangin at ulan kagabi.)
(Bagyo ka ba? Bakit? Ikaw kasi ang magbabayad ng damages.

A bridge connecting my room to the pool.
(Excuse me, pakibuhat naman ako, tinatamad na akong maglakad.)
(Sir, baka naman gusto ninyo itulak ko na lang kayo!)

The pool with its Ms. Universe figure.
(Excuse me, puwede bang mag skinny dipping diyan?)
(Ok lang, wala namang makikita.)

Captivated by the traditional Thai decor and room set-up!
(Sarap matulog kaya lang .................... maliwanag,
at ano naman ang nasa isip mo?)

I am in awe! The outdoor themed bathroom!
(Hindi ako makaligo, baka may manilip at makita si junior, ha,ha,ha)
(Pssst, ang liit naman.............
ng banyo!)

Thursday, July 23

Summer Garden Project

As the grass died, a new form of life emerged.

There are news of water shortage since there is a scarcity of rain all over the country.  The lakes and ponds are drying and so does the water levels of both rivers and dams.  Since I am an avid gardener and water is the source of life for all my plants, I decided to make some changes to alleviate the need for more water.

Placing pots together for visual appeal.

I moved all the plants that needed sun in one spot of the garden.  As I spray the leaves and water them, the splashes will then be distributed to the surrounding pots as they are all placed side by side in a circular position.  The hanging ones were placed on top of trees so that when I water them, the  potted plants on the ground can catch the excess. 

My all time fave hanging plant.

I placed shredded coconut husks on top of each potted plants so as to absorb the water and retain the moisture.  I also moved all those plants that needed partial shades under towering plants so as to shield them from the burning sun. This then takes less effort for me to water them on a daily basis. I could do the caring every other day. 

A number of potted Frangipani lined up.

One of the things I learned from reading is the drought resistant factor of the Frangipani that's why I have started collecting Frangipani of different sizes and shapes.  I heart the stubby ones as they look more like bonsais to me.  These flowering plants need less water and they do bring the colour aspects when they bloom.  

As I move on with my landscaping and back breaking toil, I am always thankful that I have a yard to tend and a beauty that I can see everyday.  This is how part of my garden looks like and with the next few days, another part will become different and nicer. 

The front part of the garden, done!

Sunday, July 19

Pass It Forward

It was at this time of the year when I posted something about being lucky.  I was lucky because I was given a gift to travel to Japan last summer.  This year, it is different.  Since I already spent the monetary gift I got by purchasing myself a plane ticket when I attended a teaching conference in Singapore, I am staying in Thailand for a longer period during my summer break.  It gives me some time to do nothing but tend the garden.

Since I celebrated my teaching anniversary this month, I also got myself something to reward myself of my hard work.  It wasn't a trip to visit another part of the globe but it had something to do with travelling as well.  It is parked in the garage.

With the quietness of my homestay, I wanted to do something different in order to share the things I have.  Apart from writing the entry on Restoring Faith, I decided to walk around and give something to random people on the streets of Bangkok.  I do not have a lot since I already spent it on something grand but I can still give a part of what I have so as I can do something worthy.

If I could help one or two persons then it is far better than thinking of helping everybody which is an impossibility.  An act of kindness to a few people creates a cycle of good deeds.  And even if I have no material things to share, a smile or some words of encouragement to my friends are priceless.  Have you done your share today? 

Thursday, July 16

Restoring Faith

While riding back home, a little boy was seen cringing on the side of the bicycle lane for he fell down on the ground. The man immediately halted and came to the rescue. Asking the young lad whether he was fine, he picked the child up as well as the bike, to see whether it had some damages. The bike was fine. Fortunately, it was a slight fall but probably scared the boy of around nine years of age thus the crying. The man asked whether he could accompany the boy towards home but the young child declined, acknowledged the man with thanks and rode his bike home.

There was an overwhelming feeling in the heart of the man as he proceeded home. And as he rode his motorbike, tears swelled in his eyes as he remembered some months ago when he met an accident along the road.

It was the same scenario, falling down on hard ground and feeling helpless. His arms were bloody and both hands were hurt.  Since there was no one to help him, he stood with all his strength and picked the bike up.  Then, he started picking the rest of his groceries that were scattered all over the road.  There were people around but none of them helped.  They probably gave a glimpse and dismissed the scenario.

The tears from the man's eyes were that of pity towards those who were oblivious to help others.  The man lost not his faith to humanity and continued to implore kindness and goodness in his heart. For he knew that the riches of heaven is more glorious in return for his good deeds.

That man continues to help a number of people with their struggles and woes.  Though misunderstood in all levels and branded as boorish for his actions most of the time, he knows in his heart that his deeds are without malice.

In Buddhism, it is a belief that if a person can make a reverberating sound
 by rubbing a gong clockwise or counter clockwise is blessed with good karma.

Sunday, July 12

Reflections on Teaching

As I was touring new parents around the school, many questions were raised but of greatest impact was a question asked to me recently.

     Parent applicant: Are the teachers in here from the USA and UK?

     Me: Majority of them.

     Parent applicant: But I heard there was one from the Philippines or 
                             was it Singapore?

     Me: You are talking to him.

Dead silence.

After so many years of being here and in an international setting, it is still evident that people are still into racial superiority and blatant discrimination.  I kept on asking what's wrong with being an Asian or a Filipino if all I ever do is deliver good, quality education.

New people in the community do not know me, as well as those who have not heard of my name. So what they see when I meet them is always the outside.  And this outside hides a great teacher that only opens up once a child is inside his own class.

The applicant-mum is a local but holds an Australian passport. This makes me admire the true and real Australians I had in my class which are open-minded, accepting of colours, and devoid of any racial slur.

As I celebrate another year in my teaching career, I wanted to share a letter from an Australian couple I had this last term. They will be moving to France as they embark on another journey in their lives.

          Dear Teacher Jonathan,

          Words cannot express the gratitude Bel and I feel towards 
          you and your kind care of our most prized possessions of Louis 
          and Millie.  With Millie in particular, you have been amazing and 
          this has been highly appreciated - she is really maturing beautifully 
          into a strong young girl that will no doubt lead into more positive 
          things in the future. 

          From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your care and 
          tutelage. We wish you all the very best for the future. 

                                                                               Yours sincerely,

                                                                       John and Bel Popovic

Wednesday, July 8


Rocking chairs at sunset on a stormy day.

The ideal relationship is one where we grow old with a person we love.  That person is going to be someone that will fulfill us as a person.  Though I know a lot of relationships that were tarnished and broken, I also know a lot of relationships that worked and continue to be very strong. 

In all these, I fell in love many times and majority of them were only sudden sparks.  There were no waves of passion or excitement that drove me to pursue any of them.  A few smitten ones had come, but upon knowing of my profession as a teacher, gave them something to change their minds.  The timid and the sensitive sides in me contributed to my being aloof in the name of settling down.

The two chairs above do not reflect my life.  It reflects the lives of the people around me like my mum and my dad.  Until death, they remained faithful and I know that they are both happy to be together again.  Those chairs, as they rock back and forth, will remind me of the intricacies of their love, care, and trust. 

Rocking chair early in the morning before sunrise. 

And here is my seat as I grow old and I am not asking for pity.  I am contented to be alone because I am not lonely.  I am happy to be single because I am independent.  I am going to grow old in grace and refinement, continuing to evolve both my thoughts and my ideals.  The beauty of growing old with a purpose is that we get to reflect on our past, act on the present, and live well in the future.