Thursday, July 16

Restoring Faith

While riding back home, a little boy was seen cringing on the side of the bicycle lane for he fell down on the ground. The man immediately halted and came to the rescue. Asking the young lad whether he was fine, he picked the child up as well as the bike, to see whether it had some damages. The bike was fine. Fortunately, it was a slight fall but probably scared the boy of around nine years of age thus the crying. The man asked whether he could accompany the boy towards home but the young child declined, acknowledged the man with thanks and rode his bike home.

There was an overwhelming feeling in the heart of the man as he proceeded home. And as he rode his motorbike, tears swelled in his eyes as he remembered some months ago when he met an accident along the road.

It was the same scenario, falling down on hard ground and feeling helpless. His arms were bloody and both hands were hurt.  Since there was no one to help him, he stood with all his strength and picked the bike up.  Then, he started picking the rest of his groceries that were scattered all over the road.  There were people around but none of them helped.  They probably gave a glimpse and dismissed the scenario.

The tears from the man's eyes were that of pity towards those who were oblivious to help others.  The man lost not his faith to humanity and continued to implore kindness and goodness in his heart. For he knew that the riches of heaven is more glorious in return for his good deeds.

That man continues to help a number of people with their struggles and woes.  Though misunderstood in all levels and branded as boorish for his actions most of the time, he knows in his heart that his deeds are without malice.

In Buddhism, it is a belief that if a person can make a reverberating sound
 by rubbing a gong clockwise or counter clockwise is blessed with good karma.


  1. A very inspiring story Sir! I had an almost the same experience where I almost lose my hope and faith towards my fellowmen but then I tried to widen my perspective and I got better.
    I hope you are doing well and happy now Sir. My apologies if you haven't heard from me these days. I am actually teaching now and most of my times even my weekends are spent for my profession. Ugh, the struggle Sir haha :))
    Still adjusting my time and my life to where I am now. Charot! hehee

    love lots,

  2. Hi Cristine,

    Knowing you are still around is already a big thing for me. I am glad that you are teaching now and that work is making you busy. Sometimes, when we are not doing anything, we think of many things that strike us as good but deceivingly evil. I have restored faith even if I am surrounded by negativities. I do feel that life should be that of happiness rather than looking into being sad. I wish you all the best in your teaching career and let me know if I could be of help, teaching wise.

  3. The people who chose to ignore that man is missing a lot in their lives. The people who were able to see deeper on that man is so blessed in many ways.

    As one Chicken Soup entry had said and I have it on my mantra list, "just keep putting love out there"

    As the message of today's short reading before I go to work, no matter how cruel life seems to be, let us never give up in trying to figure out the mystery of God's love for us.

    Really, that man is boorish? I have yet to find out. But I don't think so :P

    Counting the days down to Coron getaway!

  4. Hi Cher Kat,

    Are you going with that boorish one? I hope he stays nice throughout. Your comment brings two important things: sharing love and discovering God's love to us. You know, who thought that the man was boorish, a fellow Pinoy. Will tell you about it in Coron.

  5. This is one inspiring story and somehow reminds me of that "Good Samaritan" parable ..
    It's just so sad that lots of people chose to ignore helping others that are in need.. some of them might have thoughts of helping these people yet doesn't have the courage to do so.
    The guy in this story knows the pain of being ignored and it's nice to see that he chose to help others and let them know somebody still cares for them..
    thanks for sharing and it is so nice to be here on your blog..
    Added you in my blog roll so i can visit you here more often

    It's Me Bluedreamer

  6. Thank you bluedreamer for the wonderful comments and your visit. It is not easy to help because we never know the intentions of people. And for those who are helping, our actions can also be miscrued so a lot of people just let things be. I will add your blog to mine as well.

  7. Ako hindi lang faith. Kailangan ko i-overhaul ang lahat sa akin.

  8. On school days, right before I drop my children to school, I always remind them what I want them to do during the day. 1) be kind. 2. be kind, and 3. be kind.

    The boy would always answer me, "I know, 'ma!" three times too. It really makes me happy when he'd tell me after school that he made a friend during lunch and it was the new kid in class who was sitting alone in one corner of the cafeteria.

    This post is truly wonderful, Jon. Thank you.

  9. Hi Rix,

    And after ng overhaul, a new you!

  10. I like this comment Ms. Lili. I also tell my students to be nice to each other, play and learn together. I feel good seeing a child play with someone who is playing by himself or herself. I hope the world is like this.
