Wednesday, July 8


Rocking chairs at sunset on a stormy day.

The ideal relationship is one where we grow old with a person we love.  That person is going to be someone that will fulfill us as a person.  Though I know a lot of relationships that were tarnished and broken, I also know a lot of relationships that worked and continue to be very strong. 

In all these, I fell in love many times and majority of them were only sudden sparks.  There were no waves of passion or excitement that drove me to pursue any of them.  A few smitten ones had come, but upon knowing of my profession as a teacher, gave them something to change their minds.  The timid and the sensitive sides in me contributed to my being aloof in the name of settling down.

The two chairs above do not reflect my life.  It reflects the lives of the people around me like my mum and my dad.  Until death, they remained faithful and I know that they are both happy to be together again.  Those chairs, as they rock back and forth, will remind me of the intricacies of their love, care, and trust. 

Rocking chair early in the morning before sunrise. 

And here is my seat as I grow old and I am not asking for pity.  I am contented to be alone because I am not lonely.  I am happy to be single because I am independent.  I am going to grow old in grace and refinement, continuing to evolve both my thoughts and my ideals.  The beauty of growing old with a purpose is that we get to reflect on our past, act on the present, and live well in the future. 


  1. Don't worry Cher Jo, no pity given, but only understanding. :)

    I admire you for being independent and for not being lonely for being alone. Alone and lonely are two entirely different things, and some people, like me, are not aware of the difference between the two. I have yet to master independence. I have yet to learn that being alone doesn't necessarily mean you have nothing or no one——it doesn't automatically equate that I should be lonely. That's why I am planning to travel solo at least twice before the year ends. I want to see what I can do about this for this is one of my greatest weaknesses.

    Cheers to being single, contented, and happy!

    P.S. Geez. I miss writing. Nakaka-exercise ng utak. ;)

  2. Continue to write and you can do a new blog if you want. I do admire your writings and I have written that through your comment box many times. There are some things we cannot express in words to our family and friends and writing them in words helps make our burden lighter.

    I believe that if you start life as an independent person earlier, then you could learn to be stronger. Traveling alone will bring new experience and perspectives. Please do so and tell me your adventures. You know, I also learned that I do not have to rely to anyone for my own happiness. I can find it within me.

  3. The ideal relationship is one where we grow old with a person we love. That person is going to be someone that will fulfill us as a person.

    --- ito yun eh...

  4. Yun na nga Rix, and it doesn't matter who that person is, as long as both can grow together as one.

  5. Hello sir Jo :)
    Bale, pagdating ng araw... san nyo balak mag-retiro? dito pa rin sa Pilipinas?

  6. How come I missed this post? I 've been contemplating on writing about my being single, I can't seem to collect my thoughts yet.

    All I can say is that, I haven't reached this point of contentment just yet. I am still at that stage of illusion that one day, I will find the perfect match with whom I would grow old with. Daily, I am fuelled by that illusion even though at times, it hurts. I will never stop putting that love out there to find the one, if that is not in the form of a partner, just like yours, I think it will come in the form of passion. For the meantime, I live with that hope that one day, God will say yes and answer my prayer.

  7. Hi Fiel,

    Yes and I am thinking of Baguio. Maliit na bahay, malaking espasyo para sa pagtatanim. Yun lang.

  8. Hi Cher Kat,

    Well written! If not in the form of a person but in the form of passion, the passion to continue life because there is something beyond a husband or a wife. Bata ka pa and I wasn't even aware of the many intricacies of life at your age. I longed for someone to love but it was all failures because it was one way. I was loving people but I wasn't being loved in return though there were two that I let go. Whatever happens, you need to make a life that will bring you contentment through many things. Finding one person might be elusive but looking for great things to accomplish is abundantly excessive.

  9. Ako. While I cannot promise forever, I will sit by you.

  10. That would be great. I am not asking for anything at this moment.

    And when I do sit down one day, whether I have someone or not, your presence at this time is what makes it real.
