Friday, November 14

Lost (November 14, 2008)

I used to have this plant that blooms flowers the whole year. It was one of those easy to maintain kind of plants. However, since the growth had become rather big, I took it out of its original sunny spot and transferred it to a semi-shaded area. This move made the plant weak, stopped its flowering mode, withered and eventually died.

My grandfather was one of the popular member of the community when we he was still alive. Since he owns a restaurant, many people visits and eats in this place. A good bond had been established between him and his customers. The restaurant was a venue for communication, seeing and meeting people and living a fine and simple life.

Though basking at the company of his peers, it was suggested that he move to another place because of a relative's need. It was difficult as the transition was not so smooth and there were many neglected things that surfaced. One was the lost of friends which had resulted in unhappy feelings and longing for company. Another was the separation amongst his grandchildren as they had been very close till that move. Lastly, was the change of surrounding for what was once familar, became a strange place to be in.

My grandfather's health became a problem. He grew weaker and weaker until one day, he succumbed to death. During his last breathe, he uttered his farewell, closed his eyes and died peacefully. His colleagues were not there to mourn as they had passed away before him. His family was there but only during his last minutes.

I came to understand that someone who is poor but happy in his place means more than being rich but longing and miserable. Good decisions can bring good results. It is always in our hands. Make good choices. Make life good.

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