Sunday, November 23

An Approach to Life (November 23, 2008)

It was a pleasure to have a solid hour of peaceful moment at Café de Tu savouring on their cakes and teas with a friend. My friend is visiting Thailand and we had the opportunity to meet and chat about various things. Of interests were the photos he took from Vietnam and our stand on teaching.

As I looked at the photographs, it reminded me of my week stay in Ho Chi Minh many years ago and thus missing two other good friends of mine. Also, the photographs introduced me to some of my friend's friends, the hospitality they extended and the friendship they unconditionally give. However,the smiles and the clear happiness within the faces of those people in the photographs fascinated me. My friend, along with his companions, is enjoying life.

Going back home, it was way too long for a short trip that usually takes me half an hour. After deciding to take a cab at a busy roundabout, it was near impossibility to find a ride be it a bus or a cab. There were people everywhere all hoping to get a ride and be home. Their faces were of angst, worries, sadness, and even anticipation. It was a complete contrast of what I saw earlier in the photographs. Though there was no point of comparison, I just wanted to show that we approach life in many different manners.

It took me two hours to reach home transferring from a bus to a Skytrain to a subway train and in the end, a cab. I can curse all throughout the trip because of wasted time or I can reflect on the smiling faces and the happiness those photographs shared with me. I chose the latter.

My friend shows me that happiness is within reach, that it is always there. His genteel manners and approach to people are something I will emulate. He has plentiful of friends. Two hours on the road is nothing compared to the mentorship I get from a well-educated person. His visits are always welcome. His presence, recognized. And today is his birthday...Happy Birthday Stephen!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jonathan,

    Your thoughts are beautiful. You are beautiful. To have you as a dear friend makes me happy indeed. Thank you for your wishes.

