Tuesday, May 12

To Be Angry (May 12, 2009)

When Sophie Gets Angry is a Caldecott Honour Book written by Molly Bang. The title itself is a gist of what the short story is all about. Sophie, in her destructive mood opted to run away from home and calm herself with the serenity offered by nature. In itself, the book is about anger control or management. It is a reminder that people handle their anger in many different ways.

I was to get something from my cupboard when I was seen by a colleague in school. She was having a class so I sneaked in quietly so as not to disturb. I was taken aback when out of the blue, a comment such as this was spoken to my face, right in front of the students and an assistant teacher.
"Hi! You look like my driver today. Would you like to be my driver? Your English is much better than him. " Dumbfounded, I answered with grace and said, "Not unless you have a voice activated car as I don't know how to drive." With a smile I left the room.

Though I felt betrayal in those words, I opted to stay calm and at peace. It was very uneasy to hear those remarks as I wasn't expecting them to be made by a colleague. My physical appearance and my bearing had given her a comparative declaration to put colours as a stigma.
When Jonathan gets angry, I cry. And the tears gave me a breather, a sound mind, and a loving heart to let go. I'll let go of that comment as I had let go of stories of discrimination and unfairness from the past.

Visakha Bucha had just passed, the great day to commemorate Buddha's birth, life and enlightenment. With the lessons on moderation and mindfulness, anger should be dealt not in a disturbing way but through a series of healing. Sophie might be a fictional character but she dealt her anger in good manner and Jonathan will do the same.


  1. a man's wisdom can be measured by how he manages and controls his anger...

    anger is a very powerful emotion that mastering it takes a great effort.

    Goodluck to both of us! :)

  2. We tend to do things we will regret when we are angry so better breathe in and breathe out before bursting.

    We surely need some luck to succeed.

  3. the breathe-in-breathe-out technique actually works. but it takes a great deal of effort for an impulsive person such as myself..hehehe!


    people fear the unknown...like death. most people are afraid because they do not know for sure what's on the other side. people fear the uncertain than death itself...

    i'm curious to know the your 'angle' on this one..ahehe. peace out!

  4. you are definitely right as we fear the lost of something- our first experiences, an interview, the result of an exam and others because we do not know.

    will probably write an entry to explain my angle...
