Wednesday, September 9

The Artist in Me

"I cannot draw", says the little child.

"But you could try," says the teacher.

"I don't like to colour." says the child.

"I'll help you." says the teacher.

"What do I draw?", asks the child.

"You could draw something you like." suggested the teacher.

"I don't like this picture. It's not nice." says the child.

"Better than yesterday." commented the teacher.

"Why do you ask me to draw?" asked the child.

"To see your world, my child, to see your world."

Watercolour and ink by me, aged 15


  1. Nice artworks by your students. I really really like that drawing of an owl.

  2. Thanks KJ, but the art works are mine, done when I was 15 years of age. There are 25 pieces and will post some more next time. I don't draw anymore but we create art pieces in school for charity.

  3. these are nice.
    made me wanna read the little prince.
