Saturday, October 29

Be Ready!

My student told me a short story about a friend of her mom. That this woman took a photo of her and showed it to her friends and acquaintances. The photo was that of her standing in front of a stock full of water bottles that she bought right before and during the flood crisis. She remarked that she is now at peace because she will be able to survive amidst all these troubles.

I was appalled though thankful that my student told me this story not so I can have an entry but because it reminds me of how people will behave in times of panic. At this moment, shelves of convenience stores are all empty of bottled water, drinks, canned food and other dry goods. There are still cans and bottles of beer but I don't drink or maybe I should start drinking so that I can drown myself what with all these anxieties I am feeling.

There was ample supplies but when people started hoarding goods from groceries and shopping malls, nothing was left. I have a few bottles of water though I still use the water filter machine of mine to supply me with drinking water. I have some cookies, rice and eggs which apparently will last a long time since I am not an eater. I have saved enough water for bathing or washing as I heard the government will be rationing water supply next. I bet the woman I mentioned had saved enough water for her to bathe a lifetime.

My entry is about being ready not only during calamities but also in facing small troubles in life. I also hope to remind people that being ready means being at peace with oneself, having made merits, having done good deeds everyday, having a good heart, having graceful living and a life of immaterial things. For things around us will be washed away by the flood but our attitudes and beliefs toward surviving must be geared towards self realization that in this lifetime, we had been good if not better people.

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