Saturday, July 13

The Flower and Me

Looking for some inspirations, I went for a walk in my garden to see what changes unfolded during the time I wasn't able to tend it. With all the rain, I am sure that there is, if not one or two, something to spark my writing juices.

I happened to see the fallen petal of this climber of mine and I knew that the petal will be swept by the wind to fall into the ground.

The bud is my youth. The climber is not prone to flowering annually. It took some time from the last flowering season to today. It was the environment. I moved it to a sunny part so that's why it started to flourish. I wasn't growing as a person when I was back home. I live in insecurities and my relationship with my dad doesn't help as well. I was a sore thumb. I don't belong so I left. If I stayed further, like the bud, I won't open up and be what I want to be.

The flower is me. Nestled at the back of this large tree, my climber delivers its flowers timidly as it is hidden behind. As the branches cascade and droops with three flowers each, the cycle of blooming takes it part. I am a very quiet person, and very shy as well. I dislike parties but I thrive in small meetings of one or two individuals. I like learning from people so I am always attentive to what they say. I do not like limelight yet I am a showoff when it comes to teaching.

The petals are my learnings. The delicate petals make the flowers look good but they do fall. One by one, whether naturally or accidentally, the flower loses its grip and the flower becomes history, but the petals of my life, though they had fallen, were spread out in the minds and behaviour of the children whom I had the privileged to teach. The petals of my life were built upon through time and when they took flight, I knew that I had made inspirations and motivations among the young children. 

I was the bud.
I am the flower.
I am the petals.
I am me.

(My teaching anniversary entry for this year.)


  1. your delight in teaching and with being with children are such an inspiration for me as a newbie teacher :)

  2. wow... good metaphor... your forte... flower kung flower... sana may magdilig pa ng flower mo at mag-touch ng petals mo... hihihihi

  3. Hello yccos,

    It is heartwarming to hear that a newbie is inspired by my passion and dedication to the teaching craft. Thank you so much.

  4. Dear Christian,

    Sana may magdilig ng flower ko at mag touch ng petals ko, iba ang pumasok sa aking kaisipan, but green pa din.

    Sana naman ma touch kita one of these days, lol!

  5. "Metaphorically Speaking" indeed!

    The climber is such a good cjoice for the metaphore. Very well written Jonathan.

  6. Thank you Ms. Balut. I am glad for your visits. Will think of something to bring.

  7. You can't just touch my flower... Pwede mo pang kainin ang flower ko... hihihihi... Now it's green! hehehe

  8. Anubayan, supposedly wholesome ito. You gave new meanings to the flowers in my garden. And a lot of humour to my blog. Kuwela ka pala, akala ko puro rants, he,he,he.

  9. rants? anu un? hehehe... depende sa feelings kasi yan... so, may feelings ka na ba sa akin? boom!

  10. Ano ba ang puwedeng i comment dito. Siyempre naman mayroon, feelings ng saging. Ginawang chat room, ha,ha,ha.

  11. Kumusta ka, Jonathan? :)

    Very poetic post ! Loved it !

    Many thanks for all the comments on my blog. Please check the replies.

    Just be cool, you are a winner !

    The United Arab Emirates is a magnificent country !

    The emirate of Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the UAE and it is a beautiful city. There are so many megastructures already there and many many are coming up. Dubai is about 45 minutes drive from there and I need not tell you how awesome is Dubai !

    The expatriate population is dominated by Indians and Filipinos. You surely will feel at home in the UAE. There are plenty of Filipino outlets all over the place !

  12. Sir jonathan paki translate nosebleed eh ,,,, kainggit kau at u follow ur profession , gusto ko na tuloy maguro ulet

  13. A very inspiring post. Yes, you are like a flower that shares your beauty around, inspires and grows.
    SO happy knowing a person like you with so much wisdom to share.
    I wish I will ahve the chance to meet you in person one day. YOur pupils are very lucky having you.
    I wish you success in every area of your life.

  14. @Rajiv - back reading your posts was interesting and I am learning a lot. And thank you for trying to type in Filipino. Goodness, I need to visit Dubai and Kerala one day.

  15. Hello Josh,

    Anu ka ba eh magaling ka nga sa English. Love your last two postings. If you did not pursue your profession for now, there will always be a someday :)

  16. Hello Ms. Joy,

    Thank you for the kind words. I wanted to see you as well. Whenever I read postings about faith, it reminds me that I am a mere speck of dust compared to His glory. We will meet because I am visiting your family there as I wanted to see the beautiful places you had been posting.

  17. too bad I never really enjoyed teaching kids perhaps that's why i dreamed of being someone else, but as for you i can see the passion and i could feel that you enjoy doing such which is i guess what everyone has to have

  18. nice metaphor. as always. :)

  19. Hi MEcoy,

    That's right. You got to love what you do and don't be trapped in something you don't like. I hope you get to go back to school or find a job you reall like. All the best and advance happy birthday!

  20. Hi Olivr,

    Thanks. I am inspired by other writers, just like you.

  21. Thanks !

    People in the UAE would learn some words and phrases in different languages in due course.

    Warm welcome !

  22. This is very beautiful Jonathan.. continue to be a beautiful flower. It seems like you love your teaching career so much.. God bless you on that. :)

  23. Hi Orville,

    Yes I am and will continue to so. Thanks!

  24. Oops, I can relate... I'm shy too. Sa mga party o gatherings, dun lang sa isang sulok. A not-so important person. Pero kung kakausapin ako ng isa o ilan lamang, may sense naman kausapin at mas napagbubuti ko ang sarili sa solitude, sa pag-iisip at pag-ex-extend ng tulong sa pamamaraang simple at kaya ko...

    Thumbs up, Sir sa isang inspiring analogy!

  25. Hi Ric,

    Madami pala tayong parehong ugali. Ganito yata ang mga artists ( nakisali ako, ha,ha,ha). Thank you for the thumbs up!

  26. di ako makapag-isip nang ico comment dahil sa sagutan nyo ni Senyor hahaha!

  27. Akala ko introvert ka sir. Pero when it comes to teaching nag re reach ka parin sa world.

  28. Hello Mar,

    Maki sali ka na lang din. Minsan hindi puwedeng sobrang serious. That's what great about blogging, we can reach each other even if we are all far away. Touching flowers from Bkk to UAE and to Senyor all the way to Ph.

  29. Hi Phioxee,

    Introvert lang talaga me. Pero show off po ako when it comes to my craft. I do enjoy performing on stage as well. Musta ka na?
