Saturday, April 4

To Return, Kanchanaburi

It was a recommendation from my orthopedic doctor for me to do some exercises such as swimming and biking to help myself build muscles again on my left leg. It will also be beneficial for my left foot to have some exercise. Without batting an eyelash, I made a trip driving out of the city for two hours to a place I am very familiar with. The province name is Kanchanaburi and it is where I started my nomad life as a traveller many years ago. 

This was the first stop as I wanted to see the ruckus created on the newspaper as to how the resort encroached the waters. I was mesmerized by its grandeur and the place reminded me of the Maldives.

After some inquiries, I was told that the only available unit was at the very end of the resort, facing the magnificent water but I declined. The walk was just too much for my 'healing' foot to bear. I left with a heavy heart but I was telling myself that I shall return.

Further away from that scenic area, I scouted for a more appropriate place for my weary foot and found another haven. Though not as grand as the first, it was a perfect pick of my definition of peace.

The facade was inviting and as I managed to do small but steady steps, I finally reached my room to stay.

The furthermost unit was where I retreated after all the walking and it was indeed serene as nobody was around the resort. Magically turning a much visited place into a ghost town.

As I wanted to swim, I asked if I could have something to climb down and up the waters and I was graciously given a raft, made from PVC pipes. It was perfect!

The steady flow of water did not stir any fear in me as I am an avid swimmer. I only approached one personnel and inquired to make sure there were no crocodiles around.

Watching the scenery gave me some things to ponder as I wonder what I will eat for snacks and dinner. Viola, I called the resort management and ordered food. What sumptuous food and service. 

The forest fire at night gave a fiery glow to the dark surroundings coupled with fireflies and eerie silence encompassing the still water and deserted resort.

And at six in the morning, another astounding view welcomed me through the terrace of my hotel room. Beyond compare to a restful staycation.

After breakfast, I decided to leave the place with a fresh spirit and a rested foot. The swim gave me something to be hopeful for, that my foot is healing. The place gave me something to look forward to, a second visit. The generosity of time and circumstances gave me something to be thankful for. It was a great rest!

*Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!*


  1. kahit hindi ka sa first resort napunta maganda pa rin yung place kung saan ka nagstay.

    Get well soon

  2. What a beautiful place.

    Syang at di ko napuntahan yung Kanchanaburi noong nasa Thailand ako.

  3. Wow, beautiful travelogue, buddy :)
    Kanchanaburi is an awesome place to visit in Thailand ! Beautiful pictures, indeed !
    Wish you a speedy recovery from your leg problem :)
    Please add share buttons like Google plus and twitter below posts so that we can share and recommend your beautiful posts to others as well.
    Happy Easter !

  4. Thanks Rix, pero babalikan ko yung first. Marami kasing water activities that I can actually do kapag 100% na magaling na ang paa ko.

  5. Hi Ish, as I told you, you can always come back.

  6. Thanks Rajiv, will try as I am eyeing of sharing my travels to Thailand through another media.

  7. Wow! that place is marvelous Sir! perfect for any kind of healing!!!! :)
    How was your leg na Sir? I hope it's getting better and better :)

    love lots,

  8. Happy Easter too Mr. OP! Musta na ang health?

  9. Hello Cristine, I had a follow up with my doctor this morning and things are better, 80% healed. He still recommended swimming and cycling. I am going to another place soon and will blog about it here.

  10. Wish you a full recovery soon!
    ganda ng lugar. seems very praceful:)

  11. Very refreshing ang place and very close to nature. Sana magaling na ang binti nyong na-injured sir Jo and Happy Easter!

  12. It is very peaceful Ms. Joy and that time was what I needed, away from work and stressful situations. Thank you and hoping for a speedy recovery as well.

  13. Fiel, Fiel, thank you and being closer to nature is all I need. I am not a city person so having the free time to be outside is a gift to myself. Happy Easter as well!

  14. Super ganda ng place!! Lalo ako na inspire magtravel!! :) hmmm.. ingat po palagi and get well soon!

  15. OMG just like the many other places you blogged about. I def want to experience this place for myself :)

  16. Hello aian, long time no hear, lol! Travel because it will make you a wise person. Start small, around the Philippines and venture out once you are ready to conquer. All the best to you.

  17. Simon my friend, you definitely have the luxury to travel once you are stable with your internship and studies. Hurry not for they will be waiting for you.

  18. beautiful place. hope you'll get better soon

  19. Hi Mac, welcome and thank you. It is indeed a beautiful place, worth a visit for peace.

  20. Whoaaa!! Seriously! Beautiful shots, Jonathan! My favorite is the sunrise pic! :D

    Be sure to share your second Thailand trip to us! I'll be waiting for that!
    get well soon by the way! :D
    From Bali, Indonesia - Imme.

  21. Hi Imme, I will post my return trip to Kanchanaburi once i can go and do water activities. And with the weather right now, I am going away for the Songkran or Water Festival next week. Thank you for the kind remarks and I do love the sunrise picture as well. It reminds me of hope, of tomorrow, of a new life.
